I am not an addcit, but my husband is. He has been on Lortab for over 3 years. It started with a back injury and just went on from there. I found out about the addiction by missing money, caught lies (I went -----, but he was really at a Dr's office when he was "Dr shopping". He even lost 2 good job for what I attrribute to his addiction. He would adimit he had a problem but that he was off of them, After several months of me asking him/conformting him about his habit he finally came "clean" and confessed his addcition in complete detail. He realized he would loose his family and that we have 2 young sons (3 and 7mo) that have never known thier father without the pills, that killed him. Here is what I need to know. He has been pill free for 28 days and is using Duragesic (sp) to help him come off of them. To make things worse he tore his rotator cuff in his shoulder a couple of weeks ago. He says he is doign cortizone shots and no pills for it. . I really want my husband back. We haven't even been intimate sicne my youngest was conceived. I want this to work more than I have ever wanted anything in the world. What can I do to help him? What should I watch out for and is there anythgin I can tell him/do for him to get him to continue with his detox? He prays everynight for this to work. How long will we be a prisoner of this? It is SO hard to trust him after all the lies and deciet, but I know I have to and I belive he is making a good attempt and I want to support him. I know this might not be the right place for me to post this and if I need to go somewhere else, please let me know where to go.
what a great wife you are to go looking for answers. i am sad to say that until your husband wants the answers, there is nothing that will help him. duragesic patches are sometimes stronger than pills and gets administered constantly through the patch. so he may not be taking any pills, but he is still getting his fix, i believe.
love him and let him know how you feel and what you go through because of his addiction and that you want him your marriage to work more than anything. i am sorry for your pain and good luck.
love him and let him know how you feel and what you go through because of his addiction and that you want him your marriage to work more than anything. i am sorry for your pain and good luck.