I have been taking about 10 to 12 Lortab 10 or Percocet 5mg per day. I have tried to quit but the withdrawls are to extreem. I wake up with them from not having any when I sleep. I have no health insurance and would like to get through this w/out anyone knowing. This has been going on for about a year now ( off and on ) but for the past 6 months it has been daily.
Is methadone my best option? I would not abuse it. I just want to wean off for good.
This is my first official time to talk about my problem. No one knows. I have a great husband (whom I hide this from) and two wonderful kids. I want to be there for them 100%. I really don't even get high from the pills anymore. I just have to take them to not be sick as a dog.
Thank you for listening.
Allison, glad your reaching out for help here at the board. There of course is shame and embarsasment associated with being an addict ,this is an illusion of the ego as you have nothing to be ashamed about. Your taking the first step now. There ,in my humble opinion is absolutly no way you can get off these meds with out anyone knowing. There are probably some who know something is off or wrong as we think we hide things very well when we dont. If you feel like you are married to the love of your life and your best friend then I would come clean with him and look into options some of which might be to go to an addictionologist in your area and work with him or her and follow their recomendations. You could try to taper down you dose but most of us find this extremely difficult as its to easy to say scre- it and just take whats left. There will be no hiding your withdrawls from your husband even if you come up with the flu excuse part of withdrawls are depression and crying spells as emotions have been stuffed for so long they come out at the first opprotunity and if you have shame associated with whats going on your mind will hit you hard with the guilt and make it vertually imossible to stop. Could go on but am sure others have imput and dont want to ramble. My wife knew I ws using again and just wanted me to be honest with her, it was very difficult as Ive ben through a couple rehabs since we wee married 7 years ago but since I came clean about ow much and what I was taking Ive been able to gain her support and go on methadone short term (a months) then for Bup treatment on Jan 3rd for a week . Have some faith in your husbands desire for you to be healthy and happy and you will be surprised at the support you will recieve. Best of luck and keep posting Ray
Hello! You sound exactly like me - especially when it comes from the time using. I have been on vics -7.5 & percocet for the last 10 months straight.
Finally I said no more. Easier said than done. Trust me!
Today is day 6, and without this site, I would not have made it this far.
The people here even talked me into telling my husband (who I also hid it from up until yesterday)
Now I am not saying tell you hubby. Only you can decide that. My kids are 4years, and 9 months. And I know that I am a great mom. But what I never wanted was this problem to effect them.
Keep posting - If you want to hear more just say the word
stay strong. And PLEASE keep posting. We can get through this together!
Finally I said no more. Easier said than done. Trust me!
Today is day 6, and without this site, I would not have made it this far.
The people here even talked me into telling my husband (who I also hid it from up until yesterday)
Now I am not saying tell you hubby. Only you can decide that. My kids are 4years, and 9 months. And I know that I am a great mom. But what I never wanted was this problem to effect them.
Keep posting - If you want to hear more just say the word
stay strong. And PLEASE keep posting. We can get through this together!
Allison - I agree with Ramon that you should tell your husband. Since it has only been a year, FORGET METHADONE. It is much harder and painful to stop taking that. You may be able to get away with the flu excuse but also, you will need to take some time off and relax. I was pretty strong but after taking pain meds for 14 years and Benzos for 7, I stopped and lost 22 pounds. The W/Ds were finished after 10 days but I am still tired and foggy after 23 days. I went cold turkey and think it was best for me, but I did take time off and have virtually locked myelf away for a few weeks. I finally was out and about this weekend and even though I was tired and foggy, I was able to see some friends I have been neglecting for the last few years.
Take care of yourself :)
Take care of yourself :)
Allison-my advice is to come clean with your husband and ask for his help. If he loves you, he will help you and won't judge. Forget methadone. Thats just another drug. I quit Xanax cold turkey 18 weeks ago and am doing ok, and THAT is the hardest drug to quit. I started taking Vics about 90 days ago because of pain, but I am so scared because of what I went through with the Xanax that I'm quitting. I'm doing a taper. So far, I'm down from 6 to 3 a day. Going to 2 on Thursday and have NO plans on relapse, because the Xanax stuff scared me so much. I have a "schedule". I have an addicitive personality, so if anyone can quit Xanax, like I did, anyone can quit anything. It's just hard, thats all.
Allison, i was on Methadone and it was a breath of the devil getting off of it..please try to find other options, jasmine
Are you still out there?
Are you still out there?
I was taking 20-30 Norco 10s a day (like Lortab 10s) at the end of my run more than 6 months ago. Like you, I had been working up to it over the course of a year, daily for the last 5-6 months. I tapered down to 6/day over 2 weeks, then went cold turkey. I didn't tell my wife, although she knows I am an alcoholic / addict. I experienced extreme flu symptoms, fatigue, restless legs, and sleeplessness, but didn't miss work (wasn't productive, but was present). You definitely have to have had enough and be comitted to stopping. It's not painless, unfortunately, but it sure beats the heck out of active addiction. I agree with others that it is better to tell your spouse (i.e., don't go it alone) and better not to resort to methadone except as a last resort. Good luck to you, M.
I was taking 20-30 Norco 10s a day (like Lortab 10s) at the end of my run more than 6 months ago. Like you, I had been working up to it over the course of a year, daily for the last 5-6 months. I tapered down to 6/day over 2 weeks, then went cold turkey. I didn't tell my wife, although she knows I am an alcoholic / addict. I experienced extreme flu symptoms, fatigue, restless legs, and sleeplessness, but didn't miss work (wasn't productive, but was present). You definitely have to have had enough and be comitted to stopping. It's not painless, unfortunately, but it sure beats the heck out of active addiction. I agree with others that it is better to tell your spouse (i.e., don't go it alone) and better not to resort to methadone except as a last resort. Good luck to you, M.
Thank you, everyone, for your advice. It is so nice to talk about this w/ someone who understands. I certainly was about to get on methadone. NOT NOW.... Thank you!!
At this point, my plan is "after christmas". I have a refill of 90 Lortab 10 coming monday and I am trying to be realistic. Maybe I can wean from that.
I will write again later tonight.
Again, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted after reading your responses.
At this point, my plan is "after christmas". I have a refill of 90 Lortab 10 coming monday and I am trying to be realistic. Maybe I can wean from that.
I will write again later tonight.
Again, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted after reading your responses.
Try and find a Detox Dr. in your area.
Then can help you get off a lot easier than C/T
I am do that now and it has been wonderful
Marina ~
Then can help you get off a lot easier than C/T
I am do that now and it has been wonderful
Marina ~
Allison, I'm weaning from Vicodin right now and have a schedule someone else on another board gave me. So far (after 2 1/2 weeks), it is working. It's simply cutting your dose by 20% every 4-5 days (or until you feel comfortable). And then staying there and then cutting it again after 4-5 days. I've cut my dose by more than 50% and I feel fine. Everyone is different, but this schedule so far has worked for me...