How Does Sub Make You Feel?someone Please Anwer

so im going to my dr tommorow night to get on sub, how does it make you feel? is it a high or something? how long after you take your first one does it take to kick in? thanks!!!!
Hi T....Im not sure why no one got your message...sorry on from over on the heroin board...there may be people over there that can help...Im on methadone...cant really say anything for subs...but I can tell you the methadone doesnt really get you "high"...its kind of a substituion...its NOT heroin...or any other drug ive had the ?pleasure?...not sure if THATS the right do...Im thinking if your looking for a high...then sub prob. isnt the DOES however keep the craving for your DOC down to where you can handle it and start thinking about other stuff rather than needing the drug or scoring or kind of relieves you of all the stress of always needing to be high and the worry of having to find it...Good Luck on your descion...I know it was a big one for me when I decided to get on methadone...and Im very glad I did...even now...somedays as all days...good and bad...take it slow...:) Theres a lot of info on subs around here if I remember right...if you go back a bit in the posts I think you will come across some good info that has been put out on it :)

Excellent reply Con.
They are maintence opiates with long half lifes.Usually,you don't get a buzz but I have heard some conflicting stories.

If you've tried everything with no results,then I say give it a shot.Educate yourself against the pros and cons.There is no "free ride" and as long as you come to terms with this,it will help your recovery.

Get yourself a good doctor.Half these bozos don't know what they are doing.All they have to do is take an 8 hour course.I have even seen where they put people on 32 mgs. right away?16 mgs. is plenty,after that it becomes an anatgonist.
no i am not looking for a drug to make me high, i was just wondering if that does to you. i just dont understand how it makes you not want pain pills
I went to a doctor who specializes in addiction. Try to find one that treats addicts pretty exclusively and have done so for years. Ask for his/her credentials on the subject, experience, successes and failures.

Not slamming other doctors that treat the general population along with addicts, but it has been my experience that they go by the class room book of studies from the 8 hr course, because they do not have the experience, nor do they take the time to consult with an addiction specialist. An Addiction doctor typically will start a patient at 2 mg and tirate by 2mg increments until WD symptoms have dissipated. IN THEIR OFFICE, they should not send patients home to do this on their own. Insist on staying while you take your first dose, and second. You may be there all day.

I do not understand why they start patients on such a high dose aka 32 mg.. It blows my mind. Maybe someone else can educate me on why they do this.

When I was in detox, the physician's there said that 8 mg is the maximum dose.

I did not feel high on the drug, I cant say what a person would feel higher than 8mg, when I took my first 2 mg, what I did feel was not dope sick. It clearly takes the WD symptoms away. Hard drug to explain, it is a good drug when used properly.

A smart doctor will insist on you bringing the bottle back on each visit. A smart doctor will have you sign a contract that states you will go through an addiction program, and show proof. A smart doctor will see you weekly until trust has been earned. A smart doctor will insist on drug testing you while on sub. A smart doctor will have a plan that the two of you will agree on in terms of short term and long term goals. A smart doctor doesnt just let a patient go on his/hers own accord.
Ask the doctor questions, do your homework on the drug, and addiction, then you can ask intelligent questions, be proactive in your care.

You will find those that just take the 8 hr course, that has a general practice that also treats patients with flu's, colds, etc, will do none of the above or very few of the above.

I have said and heard others say, you feel normal, normal to me was not drugged up on pain pills, I got my appetite back, I stopped using pills as my food groups. I had my clarity back that I had lost taking the pills.

If you are looking for a high, it will not be there as we know it. The beauty of the drug. It doesnt allow a person to want to take more to get that 'buzz'. If they do feel a need to take more than allowed to get the feeling of wellbeing, then they need a program ie na, aa or whatever more than they need the drug.

I was on it for one year, as Tim said, no free lunch here, every thing has it's price.

You ask how the drug works, this is where you need to research everything about it to gain a deep understanding on it.
You should start feeling better within 20 minutes or so with your first dose.

I assume they told you you must be in full withdrawals before taking the pill yes?

If you are not in FULL WD when you take your first pill, you will have precipt WD and you will be so sick, you will regret taking it and not have a successful first induction.

When did they tell you to stop taking your Drug of choice?
to answer your question about sub...
this is my experience with it and everyone is an individual and may not have the same experience i had,
after all other avenues were exhausted, i chose to give sub a try.
i was in a rehab setting for 16 days,
i had to withdraw off the vicodin for 2 days for which they gave me nedication for the withdrawals.
i was then induced with 8 mg,
i was very sick in the induction phase, vomiting, seeing double, hallucinations, and i immediately became satisfied and didnt crave for the vicodin,.
i had/have problems with constipation as this drug has opiate properties in it.
my system did finally get used to it and today i am at 4 mgs and working a program of recovery. i have 2 years clean and i have yet to come off it
be prepared that generally drs do not know anything about sub and try to educate yourself and go to those those links that brooke provided.
i have never had the desire in 2 yrs to pick up, i feel very satisfied and comfortable,
you need to work a program of recovery along with the sub, this is VERY important.
Brooke your the first addict I have read that basically had the same sub plan as me. Evreybody read this if you are going to start Suboxone treatment.

It was TOUGH-many rules and if you break one ? your out back then my doctor could only have 30 patients and she had her plan and you adhered tot it or else. Counting of pills -random drug tests mandatory therapy --mandatory AA --


That is exactly how my sub therapy was.....still is. I was induced there and had to stay all day taking em at 2mg increments and once I got to where I was more doses or until I got to 16mgs. They wouldn't go higher than that. Fortunately, I was good at 12 mgs. My dr. is an addiction specialists. They had very specific guidelines to follow or can't be in the program. Had mandatory individual counseling and group meetings. I really think it is important to have the counseling etc. along with sub.......not just sub
when you are starting recovery. You need to learn those tools and skills to prevent relaspe.
Hey Guys!

My sub experience has also come with strict expectations......for which I am grateful........mandatory drug testing, counseling, and 12-step meetings. Maybe I've been so busy working on long-term recovery that I haven't even noticed what sub makes me "feel" like. I stopped popping pills and drinking, so everything got different fast.
