i have a frignd and she is deep in drugs every one tryd talking to her she has gone to jailand gone clean but once she is out starts right back up when i bring it up she tells me she has all thease probs and she neads them to help her, Her BF was killd over drugs and some her frignds her family has tride 2 but just gets pissd i duno wut to do is there a way i can help her or her family ? ! ? !
post or email me at jaybug_6_2_4@hotmail.com
Hi, and welcome.
Until your friend wants help I don't think you can help her
Tell her you love her and you are there for her....I know it is hard. I didn't want help, until I hit my bottom.....then (now) I can't get enough help it seems.
I wish you all the luck in the world........and you and your friend will be in my prayers...
God be with you both......................
love you
Hi, and welcome.
Until your friend wants help I don't think you can help her
Tell her you love her and you are there for her....I know it is hard. I didn't want help, until I hit my bottom.....then (now) I can't get enough help it seems.
I wish you all the luck in the world........and you and your friend will be in my prayers...
God be with you both......................
love you