ive come out my huff when i got back from the moon,if it wasnt for bryn,no one would grin,,,,,,,,,
Alrite Eck.glad yer back from yer mental yoyage...there was no need for you to go in the first place.....up yer jaws as you say.......take care pal....chat soon..........Davey
oh good--i was starting to worry uwerent just pms'in :) glad u r back--but i wnot take you bACK AGAIN!! just jokin, we need ur story too
sorry amity,the news of the screws r paying me for my story.im sorry about this but i never told anyone that im quite high profile and on tv.eck
Outta your huff.............LOL...........we say 'over my huff"............you always got me laughing.
I so knew you were high profile............I KNEW it...........well guess what........I work for the tabloids and you're gonna be in the Sun next week.........on that page with the topless chica's..............Eckie this is your life it's gonna say with you flexing your muscles and showing off your six pack.
Go ahead and sell our stories................just make sure we get 10%........LOL........O.K. I come outta my huff..............seriously I'm so glad you're here................I see Con conned ya too............LOL.........shoot huff's who amongst us ain't had them??????????????? I know I had plenty newly clean.............well I still do................in fact I had one today..........I will now call them Eckie Errors...............whilst I throw stuff out my back window.......WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so knew you were high profile............I KNEW it...........well guess what........I work for the tabloids and you're gonna be in the Sun next week.........on that page with the topless chica's..............Eckie this is your life it's gonna say with you flexing your muscles and showing off your six pack.
Go ahead and sell our stories................just make sure we get 10%........LOL........O.K. I come outta my huff..............seriously I'm so glad you're here................I see Con conned ya too............LOL.........shoot huff's who amongst us ain't had them??????????????? I know I had plenty newly clean.............well I still do................in fact I had one today..........I will now call them Eckie Errors...............whilst I throw stuff out my back window.......WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we say,who spat the dummy out,or who threw there toys out the pram.con couldnt con herself,lol,she cant even get meth off the cunts that invented it;;;only kiddin con my pal,,,but as she says she is always the last one to get the joke.imagine doing a stand up routine wi a hall full of people like that;;;u know what i would do bryn?i,d tell the last gag 1st,think con would get it?she,ll be thinkin bout that all day 2morrow at her desk,and it was 6-30in the morning in the land that invented time and almost everything else....eck
Eckie, you're so right.............she can't get it off the people who invented it.......they got a brand name over here called Adolphi...............some dude told me that on a bus ride back from hell...................after running around in dangerous situations trying to cop..................he was a total stranger to me........and well ya know why people are in the same place you are..........and we had to get on the same bus.............and he told me the history of methadone.................although I doubt Hitler was in the dang lab..........but his chemists were..............and what irony that they're giving poor Con a problem.
Yeah she'd get the joke, Eck................poor chick suffering like she is.......she gotta laugh to keep from crying.
Nope ain't nobody conning the German's..........but she's legit.........and that makes me mad...........they got her running all over and wanting her loot up front................I better get my Gestapo boots on and my whip and go over there and kick som tail..............only all I know how to say is "Der Kuchen, Der Hintern"...............Rauschshmitten...................Adios...........LOL........that would be "Your cake, your hinney"...........shut it up and move.......goodbye.
Yeah she'd get the joke, Eck................poor chick suffering like she is.......she gotta laugh to keep from crying.
Nope ain't nobody conning the German's..........but she's legit.........and that makes me mad...........they got her running all over and wanting her loot up front................I better get my Gestapo boots on and my whip and go over there and kick som tail..............only all I know how to say is "Der Kuchen, Der Hintern"...............Rauschshmitten...................Adios...........LOL........that would be "Your cake, your hinney"...........shut it up and move.......goodbye.
BRYN,my dear,why dont u stick a rocket up your arse and get over to mine with your gestapo boots and whip.I could be doin with a good whippin now that tracey hates my guts.Wonder if i would get a visa to enter america?.when im on the subject!what do u mean by stateside an all that bryn?i hate not knowing what u mean when u say things like that,guess it,s east and west?which is which?E,,,x
Awwww,....s*** !!! ....WHAT JOKE ?????????/....HAH.....just kidding...I GOT it... I GOT It......ummmmmmmm.....think ?