I Am Awake Awake Awake

this is really hard
Hey Now,

The detox from opiates is hard. There is no easy way. You can find all types of methods, medicines, places with varying ways to get from point A (dependence on a substance) to Point B (freedom from that dependence).

The important thing is reaching Point B.

The thing that helped me the most the last time I detoxed was knowing and repeatedly telling myself. I NEVER HAVE TO FEEL THIS WAY AGAIN, EVER.

Neither do you my friend, Neither do you.

Im in a hurry but stay strong CiCi Im pulling for you!
It won't last forever. Some people use Melatonin. I did for a while and couldn't tell you if it worked or not. I'm was so used to that instant relaxation that comes from a xanax. It's natural and it's worth a try and it's pretty cheap.
Oh CiCi...it is hard honey. I hope you got a little sleep or at least rest. I used to take a hot shower or bath before bed, sometimes 3 or 4. It helped with the leg cramps and relaxed me enough to get some sleep. Don't lie there though if you can't sleep. Get up, read a book, make some decaf tea, watch some tv. Then try bed again. Lying there awake like that makes the anxiety worse.
Thank you all for your support. You're right cowgirl, I should get up and do something other than lying in bed sad. But I don't want to. I guess that's my underlying problem. So, tonight, I'll just get up and not force it. I usually love the sound of my toddlers waking up...but right now it means draggin my butt.

I had my 2nd one on one with a counselor today. I really like her. I'm going to a noon meeting tomorrow.

Today my son said "I really love sprinkles, mommy" . That was his first complete sentence. made me happy. I heard it while I wasn't high. I might not have heard it if I had been...... Actually maybe that wasn't his first complete sentence. What the hell? Just thought of that. I'm glad I heard it today though. How about that?

God bless you all and thanks for your support.
It will get better
Cici, I know where you are coming from. I'm still having trouble sleeping. Last night though for the first time since I quit I actually slept 4 hours straight. I don't turn my tv on, I don't need the added stimulus. I through out my xanax because I don't want to go down that road.

Hope you are doing well.


How are you doing?
