I Came Here Instead

Hey I would have posted on the other board but not much going on there. I was wondering how long until about 8mgs. of suboxone is out of your system?
Kinda slow today..I don't know for sure but I think it has about a 3 day shelf life in your system? Did you only take one? Or was it the last one that you're asking about? Because you have to figure in the others you took as well. Are you trying to get off of them? Or are you asking this because you want to use?
CG is right, it takes about three days.

If you are jumping from that, you are crazy. If you are going on another drug, there aren't any safety risks...just going from an opiate TO suboxone is what you have to be careful of.

What is going on, Fiona?
No it is not because I want to start using. I took one because I felt horrible withdrawal and then I had some pain medicine because of my back and I wanted to take it but I didn't want to go into withdrawal. I was just wondering also I didn't want to take the pain medicine if it wasn't going to work. I know that is bad to say but with my back the way it is right now I don't know what else to do?
Sounds like you're looking for an excuse to use. There are other pain relievers that work well besides narcotics. Try them instead. You're an addict, you don't get to take pain meds. If I need something stronger than advil, I should be in a hospital or just have had major surgery. When you stop using and get some clean time under your belt, your pain won't be as bad...I've seen that happen with many people here.
might i add that prescription 800 mg motrin works great for pain that is inflammatory. toothache, head ache, arthritis pain etc.
when i was using i would turn up my nose to suggestions to use motrin, i wanted to get high from narcotics. last summer i was in excrutiating pain from an abscessed tooth, i knew i couldnt take a narcotic,(had one year under my belt) and i had the motrin here at home but i refused to take it thinking what good will that do? after the root canal i had some post root canal pain and then i decided to try the motrin, it worked just as well as the vicodin would have and i was able to keep my clean time as i may had woken the dragon by taking a narcotic,
for a year now i have had really bad ankle pain and i am so glad i didnt turn to a narcotic, i know that if i am ever in severe pain again and i agree with lisa that i would only take them in a hospital setting and 3 days max following an operation, my mistake with all my surgeries before was that i thought i could continue to take the narcotics and i would not have a problem quitting them, when it came time to quit the first time it was hard but not as hard as it was after the 5 year game of chasing them. i had no idea what a wd felt like, i do now! and thats what keeps us stuck is that i would have to continue using to prevent me from feeling wd's. i am so glad that this is in remission just for today.
that chasing game was awful and i hadnt even gotton to the extreme"yets" that others have.
i had cortisone shots and they have helped the osteo arthritis in my ankles, but on days when i am really on my feet for long periods and i was in so much pain the other night when i went to sit down, i took one motrin and it helps to calm down the inflammation that causes the pain plus ice.
this addict is learning. i use to want to pop a pill for any little ailment.
i was a 30 yr marijuana addict and the times i didnt have it like when i was pregnant or ran out, the feelings were bad but NOTHING compared to an opiate wd.
i am not condoning my marijuana use in any way but lately i have had the thoughts of, if only i didnt run across the feelings of having a vicodin when i had a tooth extraction... i wouldnt of had to go thru all this but today i can see it as a blessing to embrace recovery, it needed to happen, i never knew that there were so many other areas that needed work in my life.
i am still on sub, i need to start tapering off that, and as soon as i can save 130.00 i am going on chantix to quit smoking. then there is the caffiene addiction to address and the diabetes, i have got to learn how to eat healthier, yesterday i ate one hostess cupcake and a dish of ice cream and that was it other than a handful of doritos too. that is disgusting, i realize how addicts ignore their well being, at least this addict does, i rarely have an appetite since starting byetta for the diabetes, i have lost 60 pounds woo hoo! that weight loss has brought my blood sugars down.
i better get off this computer and work in my garden!!! i just saw your thread and hoped i could help someone today. peace, and God bless you fiona ~ jewels
Ok so I know this is a really late reply, but I finally called the suboxone doctor and got an appointment for July 8th but I don't know what I am going to do till then. I have no money and am running out of my supply I can't go through withdrawal it's too hard!!!!
I thought suboxone also helped relieve pain. Am I wrong?
Jules, stick to your diet...the doritos, not so bad..the cupcake and ice cream, killers...
There is no easy way Trouble...if you go through the withdrawals, then why take the sub? By the time you go back on the sub, you'll be over the worst of it and could be clean and sober....just a thought.