I Cant Come Off The Gear, Even Tho Im Pregnant

Hi people..
I just see my friend, this girl i have known since the good old days when she didnt use. She is 3 months pregnant. An she has already had two kids taken off of her coz of neglect etc.
Now shes expeting another one. An she tells me she cant manage to come off the gear. Cant handle another withdrawl.
SHE cant handle it.
Oh right, so thats okay then.
Do you think the baby will be able to handle being born with an instant cluck??
Some people..make me sick...give up the gear you selfish BIT**. Its not you that matters in this equation,,its the innocent baby that you have so carelesslt produced. Sort it out.
But that has just pis*** me off BIGTIME.
Alright...Kris...i get ya mate if one thing may make ya come clean its having a baby...and having a babys tough work ...seeing it first hand..i kinda know...but yer mates pass record aint gonna be on The best Mums award..is it....why cant these folk ...who have no f***ing intention of leading a clean life ..not use contraception?im sure she knows she can get her contraceptives whilst getting her spikes.Take it eze......Davey
what a complete disaster poor baby xx
..What gets my goat is theres women out there who would give anything to be able to get pregnant and have a child but can't due to health probs..then ya get women like this who get pregnant at the drop of a hat..aswell as her already having had 2 kids taken away from her..she still has the selfishness to get pregnant again while using..aswell for saying saying "she can't stop" ?..i don't care what people say..if shes still in active addiction when she gives birth..i think the kid should be taken away from her and put with carers until she sorts herself out..it seems she could'nt even look after her other kids for wot ever reason or look after herself..how the duce is she gonna be mentally and physically fit enough to care for this one when she gets home ?..i know there are mothers/fathers out there who are in active addiction or recovery..but they take care of their children the best they can..
this women with her history and addiction seems to unfit to have another child..as emz said above..a complete disaster..wot a life this kids got to look forward to..Robbie..
Thanx 4 the replies guyz
It gets worse...
She is pregnant with her dealers baby...she only sha*s him for a few rocks an she thinks hes madly in love with her, she says when she has the baby they r gonna both move to jamaica to get away from the s.s
What a stupid poor deluded woman.
Everything you guyz have sed is true.
She is just sh**.
she must be f***in crazy to think he loves her if he did he would be persuading her to come off the drug not encouraging her (spelling ooops) to stay on it by selling her it xx
ok-so i agree with much of what is being said-she is diluded, she shouldnt ever have gotten knocked up again and she should be thinking more of the baby than herself and the d*ck head shes screwing, BUT its a little bit hard for me to accept such harsh review coming from a man since you have no idea wha tits like to be in that position--i have been there and been scared and hated myself but still used--i dont thinkl it was ok but if youve been in active addiction like i have you have certainly donr things that are well below the moral radar of the general population-im not saying its ok im only saying you cannot judge unless youve been there--the unfortunate realityis that shre is pregnant and withdrawl would probably hurt the baby more than heroin use alone she need to do a slow detox through a doctor and no-- ibelieve that baby deserves a better life--sice she is an aquaintence of hers maybe you could try to convice her to adopt the baby to a family of her choosing and even come off the H or get on methdone (a very low dos) if she cannot stand the thought of not having nothing--dont think im coming down on you it just hurt my feeelings because of my own issues and guilt to see you saying such harsh things--but i appreciate the situation you are in-its not fair to that baby or to the people around her who have to watch this
I've not been in that position so i couldn't even try to understand what she is going through. we've all done things that we are not proud of whilst in addiction, and yes, some people have done things that are worse than others. What would evreyone be saying if the person in question came on the board and declared all that and asked for help?. I know all the mums ( in fact everyone ) would try and give her advice like what always happens on here....

Don't for one second think i think it's right what she is doing, it's just i don't think we should all judge. I feel for the kid, i really do, but it is hard to come off drugs.... some can do it, some can't. Peace, Kev
It's good that you've got this site to vent your anger and frustration with your friend. I hope with her you can be supportive and try to help her through this terrible time. There are many who post here who have been through the same, (like Amity...I was wondering how you'd feel reading this thread hun) and they can offer you advice on how best to help her and her unborn baby. I'm not an addict but I do know how hard it is to get off the drug. Please give your friend the love she needs.

Wishing you, her and the baby health and happiness.

Maddy x
Normally I am strongly against methadone. But I know that it is safer for pregnant women then heroin. Have you suggested that to her? If she can't even get herself together enough to get on methadone while pregnant then IMO she really is selfish.

yeah yeah it sucks we could all say burn her at the stake, save the unborn childs soul, yada yada yeah, the truth is addicted women get pregnant ALL the time drugs do affect your judgement a man who AINT even able to carry a child "seems to me" aint got no place to SAY. Come on if a man could get pregnant and he was heavily addicted you think his craving and addiction just stops? It don't....... and when your heads full of smack it's darn hard to see past getting your next fix. AND COLD stoping in it's self can kill the baby it's not recomended to cold stop while pregnant. I got pregnant already had two children taken away was detoxing from methadone on the pill YEAH did not think I could get pregnant I swithed to a low dose pill while coming down on methadone BINGO we got a baby!. Fertility is weird and dope really throws off your cycles a lot of times you don't have periods anymore it's harder for things like the pill to work harder to rememer a pill. Often a women gets so wrapped into addiction they don't take birth control right..... just like MEN wrapped in addiction often forget to put on a condom end up being someones DADDY. Lets not forget women don't go around just hoping to get pregnant and birth a addicted baby it happens a man will never know can't really try to pass judgement on the matter. All that aside it is a very sad thing for all involed expecially a innocent child who had no choice in the matter. Yes it would be better to not get pregnant while addicted it sure is not fun on the mom or baby.Addicts are selfish by the nature of addiction it's self if your a man or women addiction is the same you don't get unaddicted because you get pregnant!. .MY ADVICE to a pregnant h addict would be to hit a methadone clinic as soon as possible.