I Dont Know What To Do

Why does life keep sending you s***? When you've gotton over your own s*** why does new ones keep popping up? I've been clean for 6 months now. I called my dad for the first time in a while thursday morning. He tells me that my little sister (15) has been in the hospital since monday. She took a whole bottle of valium that she apparently found left my by grandmother. My familys all broken up. My mom feels helpless. I'm just glad that i'm about 6000 miles away from this s*** but I dont know what to do. I feel so helpless and I feel myself slipping. Ive been smoking more than ever over the weekend and I dont know what to do. I dont know how to act or carry on around my friends. Im so depressed. They ask whats wrong and I say nothing. I dont want to burden them with my problems. Im so worried about my sister and my other siblings. Shes out of danger but still in the hospital and refuses to see anyone. What happens now? What if she gets worse with drug stuff? Does being f***ed up run in families. I just dont know.
I am so sorry for what you are going through. Being so far away, there is not a lot you can do, other than talk to your family and be supportive.

Please try to open up to your friends - if they are true friends, it will not be a burden to them. Talking about this will help a lot.

Yes, depression and things can run in families. My 27 year old son has suffered greatly from depression but now is doing really well. Our younger child, a daughter, felt just like you do when her brother was sick - she was across the country, and couldn't help. We talked on the phone, and she sought out support from her friends and also a therapist to work through her own problems.

Please know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. The board might be a little slow tonight because it is the weekend, so hang in there and let us know how you are doing.

Hi Josh,

I would say unless you want to fly there and lend support and love the only thing you can do is offer it long distance. Your sister needs help and the kind that only professionals can offer. Hopefully she will be set up with that in the hospital...

Again I would offer love and support through phone calls to your parents or other close ones in the family....Maybe you could send her something special if she won't take your calls....

Can't you be honest with at least one of your friends and confide in him/her?
Friends are supposed to offer love and support too, but how can they unless you let them?

Wishing you all the best Josh19

Been there,done that! I have said this before on this sight as a matter of fact,Have you considered God allowed you to go through the Hell of addiction so you might be prepared for what has happened to your sister?I don't know your religeous beliefs and not asking that but just a consideration.As I have said before,I do not believe in LUCK or COINCIDENCE.I think every thing happens for a reason.I also want to thank you for visitin ghere,you will find so many people here with alot more knowledge that me who will do all they can to help you. Please come back any time.
Sincerely, Brad
Hello josh

Sorry you are going through such an upsetting time.

Everybody gave you good advice.

You seem very young. Are you a student at a university? All universities/colleges have centers to help students who are experiencing a crisis in their life. You can talk to your advisor, your dean or even a professor. They are there to support you and they will. You need to be able to talk to someone about all this. If you are not a student, contact a therapist or a minister.

Hope your sister goes home soon.
I am sorry to hear of the troubles that you are encountering. As was said please try and open up to your friends, that is what friends are for isn't it? Stuffing these negative emotions will only allow them to fester.

I will say a prayer for you and your sister. I truly hope she gets better and that you find that strength to carry on. At the end of the day if temptation comes perhaps ask yourself if being messed up on drugs yourself will allow you to help your sister if the opportunity arises?

Perhaps you have had to endure your trials through addiction so that one day you may be able to help your sister?

God bless.
Josh, I remember you..
You need to find someone to talk to. It is good you came here and vented. Do you go to meetings? Do you have a counselor? Somebody safe you can just pour your heart out to?
Sobriety is a tough road to go alone because this disease feeds on isolation. Pretty soon, it all seems too overwhelming, and the only way seems to be to give in....

Just know that life can be so hard at times. Focus on the positive...and all that you have accomplished. Exersize always helps me...and remember that no matter what, using only makes things worse.

I am sorry to hear about your sister...my family was pretty whacked out too....isn't everyones?? Some families can put on a good front..lol.

Find someone you can confide in....you are so worth staying on this side.
Josh...just wondering if you're feeling better today and if you had a chance to read what everyone wrote to you...

Are your parents getting your sister some help? Do you have someone that you can call when you feel like you're going to relapse?
