I Have This Big Problom!!! Can U Help???

Is anyone out there to lend an ear or some much needed advise???

Your Friend, Christina
( does anyone remember me??)

Christina, I remember you and I am hear if you need to talk.
This may get to be a long one....are you o.k. with that???
I have a huge problom and unfortionitaly this long story cant be broken down to a shorter version!!!

Are you able to stick with me for a few???

Thanks, your Friend, Christina

Yes, i am, fire away!!! Hope I can help.
Hey gals!
I'm here too! I'll help if I can, Christina!

Hey Betsy...........welcome to our thread! We may need you!!
Tridlemom....thank you sooooooooo much for answering me i think that was very nice of you!
I have to leave the computer for about 5 min. i thought that i would have some time to get on this computer to sort out my feelings on this subject, and now the kids are all over me!!!
My oldest knows how to read and is trying to read this right now. Can i please have a few min. to get him put to bed and then i will get back on here to talk to you??? Please dont leave i realy need someone to ask some questions to about this situation. I wouldnt be asking for you to hold on for me if i didnt think that it was VERY important.!!!!

Ill be right back give me about 5-10 min.
Thank you sooooooooo much!!!

Your Friend, Christina

Christina, Sure go ahead, I'll be here!!
Take your time, C! In the meantime, how's the southern weather, Tri?
It's below zero with the wind chill here. And NO you never get used to it, even growing up here! It STILL sucks!
I have to leave the board in about 10 minutes to get to Andy's B-Ball game. It's only a recreation league but he likes when I go.. (imagine that.....a 17 year-old kid who wants his MOM at his games!)

I think that is sweet and I would enjoy every minute of it! At 17, he'll be gone any day now.

The southern weather is COLD, too. We had a high of 36 today, and very windy. But also very sunny. Looks like we are going to have a winter this year. Last year I never even wore my long, wool coat.
I am LMAO at 36 degrees, sorry!!!!! Gotta go, I'll get back on after the game!
Love ya,
Are you still there????

Your friend, Chritina

Yep, still here!
Your the best for sticking around , do you know that???

Christina, No problem. I would like to be able to help in any way. Just let me know what I can do.
I dont have alot of time so im gonna write this a hope that you can read it.

I went back to work about 2 weeks ago after haveing the surgery(appendix and ovarie) and i saw a friend that i had met at work shortly after i had started there.
She was very nice to me before i was away for the surgery and when i went back she was there and was wonderful to me and she hugged me and told me that she missed me and wanted to know what had happened. She is alittle older than me and she is a realy nice person. I started telling he about my probloms and she told me that she had a problom with pain pills to , and that we could talk about it if i need to . I drove her home that day because she dosnt have a car and its cold here in Michigan and i didnt want her having to walk home. She told me in the car that day that she just found out that she was pregnant and that she needed to talk to someone about it. I was trying to be a friend to her , because of how nice she has been with me and she told me that she wasnt sure that she even wanted to keep the baby. I told her that , that was her decicion and that i couldnt tell her what to do. But that i would be there for her whenever she needed to talk to anyone.
She called me the next day at work and told me that she needed help and she wasnt going to have the baby and she wanted to know if i could drive her to have the "surgery" in a few days!!! I felt like i needed to be her friend and help her because , well, i guess ijust felt bad that she had nobody!!
Anyway i ended up meeting the man that she had gotten pregnant by and he is crazy and i felt like maybe i understood why she didnt want him in her life for ever, and i told her that she just needed to let me know how i could help her get through this!!!
I took her , and he (the father) called me and asked me how she was because he had no idea that she had this done and i said that i havent talked to her in a few days.(lieing) and that maybe he should just leave her alone.



Not bored, keep going......

I am sitting on the edge of my seat..........LOL

but I am going to wash face and will be back in 3-4 minutes........
Hey T-mom and Christina,
I am listening so what happened next? Rae

Hey Rae......don't leave us, please, we may need your input.