I Just Can't

UH-Oh I got Jazwan on my tail. I best shape up.

Thanks Mummy Christina, and Amity. I appreciate the concern and help except I ain't even going there. Done deal less I lose my mind what is left of it.

Thank you for caring though my friends. Once Jazwan is after me I gotta post. Thanks, Sister Fish.

Facebook it's a terrible thing when i was in my teens early twenties i was the poison pen witch from hell in my diary. I blame everyone for everything, my folks did something and they were resposible for everything from 3rd world debt to my broken heart because i wasn't mature enough to take any responsibility for my mess ups. I'd go back and read it a month later and want to die, now facebook is kids hanging out their dirty washing literally on line, tearing themselves and others up in public, heavens knows how many people are being torn up by it. But i know if my mum had of read my diary she would have disowned me no arguement.

And as fish boy are we sensitive souls - feel words like daggers always will.
Think on it.

I feel so bad for you Bryn, I wish I had words to help with your pain.

I don't know your situation. But it sounds like your girl is lashing out at you for the problems she is having. When, even as bad as the past may have been, I can not believe that you didn't give of yourselve. She knows she can hert you, so you have to stop giving her power over you.
You can't protect her all of her life.
You have to protect yourself before you can help someone else.

Stick with us.....we need you
Karen is so right, Facebook and MySpace are a curse. I hate that stuff and it's no substitute for actual F2F contact with live humans. No wonder these kids can't manage relationships, they have so few real ones.
