I am at the end of my rope! I need advice...if you can please help!!! My best friend got me to try "ice". It started "social users" of course it prgressed and we began using more for the energy. After about a year, I noticed that it was becoming a problem for all of us and we talked about it and agreed to "lay off". Well, my husband and I kept the agreement but, my best friend and her husband have never stopped and it has gotten really bad. They lie, steal, they have pushed us away so we won't know they are still using and I have tried everything to help them. I don't know what else to do, I see them falling apart and losing everything really quick and I want to help but, they are so in denial. They truly believe they do not have a problem. Please help with any suggestions..I don't want to turn my back on them because they have an addiction but, It is affecting everyone. It is not good for any of us!!!!!
i know how hard it must be for you and your husband to watch your friends on a path of destruction................it sounds like they are so caught up in their addiction, the truth is there is absoultly nothing you or your husband can do for them until they have reached their bottem...........the first step to recovery is admiting you have a problem.......you have to get honest with yourself again i know it is hard but the only thing you can do is pray for them let them know that you are there for them when and if they decide they have had enough , they willl get sick and tired of being sick and tired.......lets just pray that its not to late..............on a happier note i do commend you and your husband for getting off meth..............it is so hard i have been off meth for 16 months one relaspe later and 70 pounds heavier it is still a struggle but their is hope there is life after meth my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.............god bless