I Need To Quit...any Tips?

Hi there! I'm new here...I had my drinking under control for a good amount of time, but this past week I drank in front of my parents and I started saying mean things which are so uncharacteristic of me...it just reminded me that I have no control over my drinking.

I went to my first AA meeting today. Does anyone here have any helpful tips on quitting and being sober? I can't let my life be ruined by alcohol; I hurt everyone around me, including myself, when I drink.

Thank you!
Hi Star. welcome to the board. I hope your meeting went well. My tip would be to attend AA meetings, find online sites as you are doing ,get a sponsor and work a program . I used AA, counselling and a treatment center along with a lot of online work to recover.. Please let us know how you are doing...
@Star If you think you have a serious drinking problem, then you should either consult Dr or any alcohol addiction hotline center soon. You can also go for counseling to respond effectively!!!!