I Need To Vent Right Now Please!!!

For those of you that have been following my life story the past couple of days.... im so hurt right now that im not sure what to do.!! My friend that was put in the hospital yesterday because of her husban is mad at me!!!!!! I cant understand this at all. I thought that calling the police was a good thing to do, expecially because they found her on the floor of her living room alost dead. She never would have made it if they hadnt shown up. and the only reason that they did was because i called and asked them to just "check up on the situation". He stabbed her 8 times and it was just enough to have to do surgery on her to try and repair her kidneys. She was bleeding so badly internally that she "problobly" would have died. I wrote on there yesterday to say thank you to everyone for helping me make the decision to call the police, because without all of you i problobly wouldnt have.
And after staying at the hospital all night long(and trust me, it was a long night) with her kids, she told me thismorning when she came to that she was mad at me and hated me for interfiring in her life like that. Now her knds have no father to go home to.!! Can you beleave that??? Is this normal for someone who's husban almost killed her to say that to the person that helped saved her life??? I thought that i did a good thing.??? Even her kids tried to explain things to her and she wouldnt even listen.!! Her 2 boys were gonna stay with me and my family untill things with her got better, and now she wont let them leave with me. She said she wish i had stayed out of it and just let her die.. How in the world am i suppost to deal with this????


YOUR FRIEND , Christina
Christina, you are in the wrong place for this type of issue but I will tell you that her response is very normal.

You did the right thing. You need to be responsible for your actions and no-one elses. Know that you did the right thing and move on.

Sometimes doing the right thing bites you on the butt, but it is still the right thing.
Christina, PLEASE CALL ME RIGHT KNOW!!!!, I REALLY NEED TO TALK TP U ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JASMINE,

Hi Friend,

Just read this post. How awful it is for her to be angry at you. She should be angry at him. What is she talking about too about taking the kids father away? She calls that a father? You did the right thing. I'm sorry, But I was getting abused and if somebody stepped in, especially if I was laying on the floor dying and stayed at the hospital all night taking care of my kids I would had appreciated it big time. How is it normal for the way she acted about the help she got?
You know in your heart that you did the right thing. If you had not called the police, and she did die, then her kids would have had no dad - and no mom.
Something is going on with your friend. I don't know what it is (I am not a therapist) but something else is going on in her head.
Now that she is in the hospital, hopfully she will get the psyc treatment that she needs, and in the end I bet she will be the one forever grateful to you.
hey friend,
just read your post and wanted to say that what you did for your friend was so brave!!!! that took a lot of courage.

i am sure that your friend will come around, i hope she gets come councelling. she will thank you for helping her and she will be grateful that her babies have a mom to love them and take care of them.

my heart truly goes out to both you and her and i'm sending good vibes your way ok?

i hope you get this post,

take care,

My dear friend...I am so so sorry for what your going through.Your friend is probaly putting the blame on you because she can not face the facts that she wasn't strong enough to do the right thing.Sweety PLEASE don't take it to heart.You have got to know what you did was right(I would of Thanked God if you did that for me)She will have a whole range of emotions right now.I'm sure she feels very guilty.She didn't try to protect her children so its easier(for her) to put the blame else where.YOU DID THE RIGHT THING!!!!!Please don't blame yourself for how she feels.Maybe while she is in the hospital someone(like a theripst)will break down her walls and allow someone to help her.She has a very long process to work through in the end hopefully she will realize what a gift(her life)you gave to her.please take care and I'll be around to talk.Got lots to do today but I'll keep checking in....(((((((((a big hug for you)))))))))))mollyjean
molly is exactly right on the money here ... though I was never in these shoes. my mom was and she used to get mad at her sisters for 'helping' her and when she had had time to think about her being mad at them that is what she would come up with.... her own guilt at being weak and incapable at helping herself and protecting her kid..
I also think one other thing... maybe she held out some hope that she wouldnt die there on the floor and that he would get her help and then he would see the error in his ways on his own and all would be made better without the police involvement ... sort like she could manipulate the whole thing... I know that sounds really sick but let me tell you ... your friend is co-dependent and co-dependants do alot of really sick manipulative stuff out of desparation to survive....
just my thoughts..
please find some peace in this ... you did the right and the best thing for her, the kids and your own sanity...
God bless..
hi friend,
i have only posted here a few times, but I do lurk. it seems okay to come back now, so here i am. i just wanted to say, your friend is suffering from bad wife syndrome i am sure. i would b willing 2 bet that this was not her 1st beating, and if she is not careful, it wont b her last. it sounds like he finally crossed the line. she is suffering a sickness all to herself, trust me i know. she is not angry with you, she is angry with herself and her life. she knows nothing but him, and probably his support. she fears the unknown more than beatings. it sounds bad 2 us, but true. she will have 2 go through a ton of counceling to get past this abuse. you did the right thing, you have given her another chance to survive, whether of not she wants it. god put you in the right place at the right time, and what you did will not go unrewarded. she will see it someday, and if she dont, and always sees it as an intrusion, then she was not really ur friend 2 begin with. i see you as a angel of mercy, so listen 2 what others here have said, and hold ur head high, i would b honoured to have u as my friend. i would always feel safe with u. bravo dear bravo.

I would like to mention one more thing... and this my sound really bad... but please dont let this discourage you in the future.... whether it be with her or someone else... and by all means if she goes back to him after he gets out of jail... please call CPS.. your self.. those kids deserve to be protectes and to have a safe and happy life... if she wants to chose that kind of life for herself then fine... let her but she does not have that right to make that choice for those kids just because she gave birth to them... If she isnt strong enought to make a move to protect them from what the see and hear let alone if he might start on them.. then the state needs to.....
just my two cents...

that would b batter wife syndrome, lol. not bad wife syndrome, this place needs a way to let u go back in and fix it when people like me write dumb things like that. sorry.

Tori..there should be an edit tab when you go back into your post.

Tori hit the nail right on the head.. it does sound like battered wife syndrom and I think that's why "Silent Partner" said her reaction was normal.

Christine..there comes a time when we have to start taking care of ourselves and not get caught up in the drama of someone else's sick life. You absolutly did the right thing by calling the police and in situations like that, of course you should get involved, but it's time to start focusing on you and your problems. They are big enough to keep you busy for awhile.... what kind of support do you have? Who's taking care of Christina?

Whatever she says right now you did the right thing. The man stabbed her 8 times and she would have bled to death and with her little children in her house. If she never talks to you again you did the right thing. Hopefully, she will wake up when she is feeling better and the shock is over with. Are you saying that her husband is mad at you for calling the police and saving her life? She isn't mad at him? Sounds like your friend is lucky to have you!