I Think I Know What Is Holding Me Back

Jodi, I did it as a scared, single mom. I took my two girls, flew to Cali, and checked into rehab.
Meanwhile, I thought I was going to lose my job, everything. I didn't.

I knew that if I didn't get better, fast, I was going to lose it all anyway. I couldn't handle the thought of living like that anymore. I was slowly killing myself.

How old are your boys? Your husband can take care of them while you get better.

Suboxone is also a wonderful route. It is not anymore expensive than what you are doing now. Then, you can make a choice to live in that loveless marriage when you have a clear head.
Nothing is worth living like that. Especially the fear of doing it alone. I am here to tell you it can be done.
So much pain in this thread...makes me so sad...Jodi...you are a wonderful mom...you are just sick..you know that...everything that has been said here is not anything new.

Why don't you make the decision today to quit..that way you will be almost through w/d at your son's conference? you can make that choice today and flush what ever you have left and get on with it..wouldn't it be nice to go to the conference almost done...or maybe done..who knows..why prolong the pain?

We can talk to you until we are blue in the face...but its you that has to make the choice to stop the madness. I have been where you are and felt so hopeless...jodi...I have a wonderful life...I never thought it would be possible...its a miracle..and so are you...so what are you waiting for...jail? death? or perhaps an institution?

Praying for you everyday....its all in your hands....
Okay....all of you are right.. I've been bitching and whining forever now.

I promise this...the next time you hear from me I will be detoxing.

I've gotten so much love and support from here...what more can I want? I'm just going to be grateful for that and quit wallowing in misery and self-pity.

Believe me, I know it gets old. Really old. I guess when I felt like my own little world was against me, I had a soft place to fall with all of you.

And I will be needing that.

I'll be checking in soon.

And thank you all for the last couple of years. You have sustained me in some very tough times. It's amazing how the love and support from a group of people I've never met can make me feel not so alone.

And I thank all of you who haven't given up on me in frustration.

If I can't find my way out now, then it's my own fault.


Heya Jodi, I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. Sounds really terrible, and I wish you the best.

Your post really put my strugles into perspective. Thanks for sharing that, because it's nice to know that I'm not the only one with problems out there. I'm feeling a little sheepish, actually, because I don't even have kids. You seem like you have so much going on, and yet you're still facing up to this...
That's pretty impressive, and you are obviously very brave.
Do it to it, best of luck.

I had to edit this post real quick because I was reading over the other posts, and obviously there's a history with you here at this board, so I didn't want to sound like I was being generic in my encouragment.
I really, REALLY wish you the best, Jodi, I hope youd do come back and tell me how your recovery is going.

Also, I hope everyone at this board can accept me if I stumble a little on the who's who of the board, I have lurked for a long, long time, but I'm not really caught up with everyones role around here.

In short, just take me as I am, because I'm just really grateful to be here.
Hi Jodi;

You deserve the gift that is recovery...I know it may seem like an awfully tall order but it really is something that you can grab a hold of. One day at a time.

You can do this.

Jodi, just remember that everytime you have quit us, we never quit you. We've been waiting here for you everytime you left and then thankfully came back. That will never change. But until you make the plunge, alot of other things won't change as well. Love you so much...Lisa