I been doing my best these last few months to keep it recovery only where my posts are concerned. I don't like to see anyone argue, and hate when it gets out of hand. It does happen from time to time especially when we're dealing with so many different personalities in one place, all in different stages of recovery. I posted my love and support for a friend and although that is ok in my opinion,
I guess with what was going on, maybe I shouldn't have said anything, I don't know.
The "Possee" thing, well, I tried to define it in another thread so I'll leave that alone, except to say I'm gettin' sick of hearing it myself, especially since it isn't something we made up for ourselves or any kind of club.
There are people that just simply aren't gonna get along, thats life, thats everywhere and thats that. I think we should be able to just pass eachother by without having to say something when we see something we don't agree with. It
may be just a difference of opinion, but when two people don't like eachother for whatever reason, no matter how something is worded, the other person will never see it as anything other than sarcastic, an attack, or whatever.
I enjoy helping others, it helps me too. I enjoy talking recovery because I love it and owe my life to it. For me, I won't bring something to someones attention anymore when I see someone I think may be heading in the wrong direction, unless it's someone I already know and am friends with or is a new comer, or I'm asked. I'm tired of trying to help and it being taken as a put down.
Now, I'll start by saying, I apologize for getting involved in anything that had nothing to do with recovery today. I don't think I said anything hurtful to anyone,
but if I did and I'm forgetting at the moment, then sorry.
For me, I'm gonna only post about recovery as I have been, and if anyone wants
to talk, or my help if I can, or anything, I'm here.
I'm willing to get along with anyone, thats just how I am. If someone for whatever reason doesn't like me or anything I have to offer, thats fine, I just ask who ever,
to ignore my posts, and you can count on me doing the same. I don't come here for bulls--t, I come here for recovery, to offer and get help and chat with the friends that I love.
Hi Bob, nice to hear from u again!. and for the recored i aggree that we are all in diffrent parts od recovery and all kind of diffrent presonalities(sp)?? hehe..
take care all!!
take care all!!
Bob, I hope this means you are not leaving,, you reached out to me the other night and it meant alot to me, that you knew I was hurting.. I for one need you around.. I am not happy about what has been going on around here and I have made a couple of post about it. but I like everyone, all in all I have learned from everyone.. Like I said I may not always like what is said but most of the time I do learn something from it and if I didnt then I just let it go..Everyone cannot always get along I am sure I like some others do not and that is ok.. Right now I am at being confused and lost in my addiction and any help from all would be appreciated,, tough love is fine not so tough love is fine also..LOL. To me I am concerned for me and how to get well.. I hope you will still be there for me.
hEY Bob, wazup, I guess i missed something again, so it seems in the area u r talking about, i have pretty good luck.
The only thing i can say to you is i know u and i have very differnt (almost some would say opposing) viewpoints on recovery, but maybe after some minor sqabelling (i know that is misspelled for sure) that came to nothing i realized you were a very sincere person as regards ur own & other peoples recovery, & you are never saying things to be malicious. So, i quickly have learned to respect youand pay attention to what you have to say. A lot of times i disagree with some things you say, but for the most part i find a lot of wisdom in your posts, & I NEVER DOUBT your intentions (even when i occasionally get a little bit irretated at what u might say.) I am also fairly certain that occsionaly u might not like what i have to say, and sometimes u might find some things at least annoying, but i think u also realize my motives are pure. My point here is not to say how great you and i are (LOL) but maybe to illustrate a little that for the most part, unless there is something posted by someone that is really harmful etc, i don't think there is a legitimate reason for decent people and people of good will togetnasty with each other. And if someone finds themselves always attacking, etc, maybe they have to stop & think about what they are doing & what good they are trying to accomplish. If they can't come up with a good answer to themselves they might want to ask themselves why they are getting ready to say such & such. I don't think this type of self questioning would be difficult at all to a person in recovery for a while to ask themselves & i do think after a little while they would be glad they did.
The only thing i can say to you is i know u and i have very differnt (almost some would say opposing) viewpoints on recovery, but maybe after some minor sqabelling (i know that is misspelled for sure) that came to nothing i realized you were a very sincere person as regards ur own & other peoples recovery, & you are never saying things to be malicious. So, i quickly have learned to respect youand pay attention to what you have to say. A lot of times i disagree with some things you say, but for the most part i find a lot of wisdom in your posts, & I NEVER DOUBT your intentions (even when i occasionally get a little bit irretated at what u might say.) I am also fairly certain that occsionaly u might not like what i have to say, and sometimes u might find some things at least annoying, but i think u also realize my motives are pure. My point here is not to say how great you and i are (LOL) but maybe to illustrate a little that for the most part, unless there is something posted by someone that is really harmful etc, i don't think there is a legitimate reason for decent people and people of good will togetnasty with each other. And if someone finds themselves always attacking, etc, maybe they have to stop & think about what they are doing & what good they are trying to accomplish. If they can't come up with a good answer to themselves they might want to ask themselves why they are getting ready to say such & such. I don't think this type of self questioning would be difficult at all to a person in recovery for a while to ask themselves & i do think after a little while they would be glad they did.
Hi, no, I'm not leaving. Your sweet, my wife just saw your post here so I wanted to respond real quick. My daughters are taking over the puters right now so, I'll probably be back on later tonight. Ok, if I hear "common' dad" one more time I'm gonna scream! lmao I'll talk to ya' later, love ya'..........Take care............Bob
Hi, no, I'm not leaving. Your sweet, my wife just saw your post here so I wanted to respond real quick. My daughters are taking over the puters right now so, I'll probably be back on later tonight. Ok, if I hear "common' dad" one more time I'm gonna scream! lmao I'll talk to ya' later, love ya'..........Take care............Bob
When I came here 3 months ago, it was a blessing for me. I finally found people who understood me and what I was going through. I have met some wonderful, caring, loving people. What I have seen the last month or so makes me sick. People arguing about silly things. Other people feeling they have to stick up for their friends and feeling they had to get the last word in.
Bob mentioned the term " posse ". That word also makes me sick. I don't know where it came from but it seems to me a " posse " was a group of people that formed together to " get someone " while watching each others back. is that what we got going on here ?
I just got home and read only a little but it was enough to see that a lot of really nice people have left this forum. Some of which I have really grown fond of. I only hope I will hear from them again. If not, I've lost some good friends.
If there is a disagreement between two people, which will always happen, lets just stay out of it and let them work it out. If you feel like you just have to say something in support of your friend...just post a little love to THEM .
To my friends who have left...I do not want to lose contact. If you want you can e-mail me at ...fstristar@yahoo.com.
Bob thanks for the response.. Oh I remember those days only it was comeon Mom..LOL>.. Now I guess in the sometime near future it will be Comeon Grandma... LOL>> I will talk to you later on tonight... Glad your not going anywhere.. Hi Gina..
Good seeing ya'. Good post and as unusuall as it is I agree! lol just kiddin'.
I do enjoy your posts, well ok, some of them, but I don't see anything wrong with disagreeing, like you said. Thanks for the post.
Take care.......................................God bless......................................Bob
Good seeing ya'. Good post and as unusuall as it is I agree! lol just kiddin'.
I do enjoy your posts, well ok, some of them, but I don't see anything wrong with disagreeing, like you said. Thanks for the post.
Take care.......................................God bless......................................Bob
Enjoy those kids Bob,it doesnt take long and they arent kids anymore,you are lucky and I know you are making the most of being a dad.
Hey P,
Sometimes it upsets me when I think about all I've missed, and the dad they missed when I was lost in active addiction and took things for granted. But, for
the most part today, I try not to think about it and like you said I make the best of what I have now and am just grateful they are still young enough to be filled with new memories of a dad that was there, fun, and did his best..........Bob
Sometimes it upsets me when I think about all I've missed, and the dad they missed when I was lost in active addiction and took things for granted. But, for
the most part today, I try not to think about it and like you said I make the best of what I have now and am just grateful they are still young enough to be filled with new memories of a dad that was there, fun, and did his best..........Bob
I want to comment on your post- Thanks for posting what you did--but Bob, I am still trying to figure out why you ;ashed out at me a few days ago. I have never been kind to you and everyone else on this board. I tried to share where I came from, what has happened, and what my life is about today--yet you ripped me anew a**.
Maybe we beed to talk off line--as I dont want to draw this into anythign bigger then it is--ONEILL102164@aol.com. If you care to--I would like to work this out
I want to comment on your post- Thanks for posting what you did--but Bob, I am still trying to figure out why you ;ashed out at me a few days ago. I have never been kind to you and everyone else on this board. I tried to share where I came from, what has happened, and what my life is about today--yet you ripped me anew a**.
Maybe we beed to talk off line--as I dont want to draw this into anythign bigger then it is--ONEILL102164@aol.com. If you care to--I would like to work this out
Oneil, sorry bro. I think I know what your referring too, I didn't mean for it to be taken that way, in fact I kind of agreed with ya'. Anyway, sure I'll talk to ya' off board anytime, I'm not sure if I still have your addy, but I'll look. Just in case,
sunberst585@msn.com Heres mine, talk to ya' later.....
Have a good day, and also we live so damn close we should hook up for a meeting sometime..............Take care................Bob
Oneil, sorry bro. I think I know what your referring too, I didn't mean for it to be taken that way, in fact I kind of agreed with ya'. Anyway, sure I'll talk to ya' off board anytime, I'm not sure if I still have your addy, but I'll look. Just in case,
sunberst585@msn.com Heres mine, talk to ya' later.....
Have a good day, and also we live so damn close we should hook up for a meeting sometime..............Take care................Bob
I didn't realize you left yours above! I'm still not well yet! lmao I'll email ya'..Bob
I didn't realize you left yours above! I'm still not well yet! lmao I'll email ya'..Bob
I will be in touch buddy--just want to clear the air--I always liked your post--but you did blow me away
I will be in touch buddy--just want to clear the air--I always liked your post--but you did blow me away
I just looked back at your thread, at least the one I think it is, and for the life of me can't figure out what I said to you that would be taken for rippin' on ya'. Maybe I'm lookin' at the wrong thing? Either way, I look forward to talkin' to ya'.
I just looked back at your thread, at least the one I think it is, and for the life of me can't figure out what I said to you that would be taken for rippin' on ya'. Maybe I'm lookin' at the wrong thing? Either way, I look forward to talkin' to ya'.
By the way, I did email ya' a while ago, so if ya' check your in-box, it should have gotten there. Later.....Bob
By the way, I did email ya' a while ago, so if ya' check your in-box, it should have gotten there. Later.....Bob