I've Been Thinking?

Does anyone else here obcess about thier wieght, eating habits or present or priar eating disorder?
Does or did anyone else count pills, scripts and have doctotrs phone numbers and pill quanities memorized but can't remember the important things in life?
Has anyone flushed pills at least three times and Monday called a different doctor or went into a frenzy to try and get more?
Has anyone flushed pills that you thought might be dangerous but continued taking thier DOC? (like that's not dangerous too).
Is it just me or does anyone else have a tough time sitting and watching a movie..a entire movie? WIthout getting on the computer, reading, writting or playing a game or soemthing...anything but just watch the movie?
Has anyone had a medical procedure done that wasn't needed just to get pills?
Does anxiety run high and racing thoughts of things to do and you find it hard to concentrate on one thing?
Does anyone else take meds for anxiety or deppression?
Does anyone take everything to the extreme especially eating, exercise, working, not working, or call in sick alot?

THese are just a few things I wanted to get off my chest and really find out if anyone else feels the way I do? This isn't meant to be a negative post so please don't get upset. Just honesty and really curious. Maybe if any of you have any one of these issues they are dealing with we can go through this together.
WIth Love,
Yes, everyone that is an addict. Some or all apply.
Thanks Mrs. Not that I"m happy that soem or all apply to others but it's nice to know what I'm facing now is expected and can be fixed!
I am fairly new to recovery and have to admit all apply to me at this point.
Mrs I appreciate your honesty. I hope we can get through and help each other with some if not all of this together:) It drives me nuts that everything with my has to be a obssesion. I'm really tring to work on these things though. It's like I don't have controll over anythign or I have to have controll of everything if that makes sense. I know that I do have controll over my responsibility for recovery though!
Hi Sarah, some of those, yes. No eating disorders or anxiety, though, but I think it's pretty common.
I'm definatly an extremist, always have been. Even if it's doing nothing to an extreme, lol. I either clean house for twelve straight hours (minus eating or something) and not be able to tolerate a speck of dust anywhere, or I could go for two days and watch it all crumble around me like an observer.
I can't start a book that I like without finishing it in one stretch. If I start a project, I'll work on it continuously until it's finished.
Sounds funny even to me as I write it, lol. Nothing in moderation. I always figured it was the ADD, hmmm, maybe not if other addicts share similar traits.
Love, Kat
Thanks for sharing Kat! We are alot alike. I had to laugh about the cleaning thing. I'm either pushing a plate under my bed becasue I'm too lazy to get up or up for hours cleaning the house through it's entirety. I'm the same way with a book. Sometimes it irratates me so bad I won't read..lol.
Oh Kat, and Sarah,

That's so funny. That sounds like me. Is it a sign of ADD that one hyperfocuses on one activity? Or on inactivity?

Other than the eating disorder yes i do most if not all of those things The less subutex im taking the more obsessed with my housework im becoming when i was on herion i thought i was a clean addict (lol) where my home was concerned but now looking back i wasnt really all idid was surface cleaning. I also find tell me if you get this, but im getting worse PMT my byfriend gets it too P pack M me T things. Its mad cuz 1 week i can really fancy and love him then the next i cant stand him round me and i know its not him he dont change at all Also i can be really organised wiuth my bills and money then a week later it all gets brushed under the carpet are you like that too? At the mo im feeling weird the other day i rung my mate to pop in 4 a cuppa and she said she was going out but i went round there anyway and her and 2 other mutual mates were there 1 of which was just leaving to meet me I felt very let down wnd hurt I actually called them a bunch of bitches and told them i knew they were lieing But in reality the mate who said she was of out didnt want me to see her house so untidy and wanted to get rid of everyone to be alone with her man. Why did i feel spo hurt when any other time i wouldnt ahve and id have understood? Why did she feel her house wasnt tidy enough for me? I even cried over it and i hardly cry. I have been very strange lately where my new friends are concerned but i dont know why Is it because i am just getting aall my feelings back where ive been on less subutex? or is it just an addicts way of thinking and feeling? Anyway ive rambled on enough sorry x x x
looking2beclean, you have a friend in me anyday, know that.

Even if it is as trivial as you wanting to cry because you couldnt get a speck of mold off the tub or you ate one cake too many. Anytime, always.
I can answer yes to just about ALL except the calling in to work, missing days. I am anxious, overeat, write lists to keep organized (OCD), cant sit long enought to watch a movie for even an hour without getting up and doing other things. I know I have an extremist, addictive personality. I just need to find healthier choices to get addicted to..pain pills and overeating NOT being one of the choices! At least if I was addicted to cleaning the house..this place would look better! Or if I exercised more,,I would look better!

I think the key..for me..is finding out why I got this way in the first place and then working on fixing THAT. Then this addictive behaviours will subside..slowly and eventually, as I get emotionally healthier. I am realy trading in one addiction for another right now but at least I am not picking up...
hey guys.
just read this post and started to laugh..it is so my story..even obsessing over my weight..one day it'll be like i got a rocket up the butt and can't stop to concentrait on one thing i'll have 15 things goning on at once..the next day i'll be doing good to wipe my butt b/c i'm so lazy..here i thought i was the only weird one...lol
we are all so much alike,it's unreal...dj
Sarah, I think it was a great post. Makes you stop and think. I've done most of them, but not all. Don't think I could have surgery to get drugs!
Wow we all do have alot in common. It spiked my interested when the other night my husband and I sat down to watch a movie. I was up and down throughout the whole first movie and this time he says, " Honey I don't mean to get on your case but why can't you just sit down and watch a movie" I thought to myself good question.lol. I miss most of them one way or another just by not living in the here and now. It got me thinking that's for sure. I really want to learn how to stay in the moment. Not take everything to the exteme. My car is another one. I'l go months without cleaning the darn thing(gross lol) then months wiping cigarette ashes off the dash evry little one just cause it annoys me. I guess it's highs and lows, ups and dwons. That's a huge trigger for me also.
With Love,
Thanks Kansas:)
Yeah I haven't done the surgury one in a while, pretty sick huh? I am glad to be making progress though one step at a time.
Love ya
i am already on an eating disorder...this time it's overeating, again...sweets soothe the addict....
I am not new to recovery, but new to the withdrawals. I went into rehab last thrusday and felt all the withdrawals (unlike last time when my primary doctor kept me asleep to stop to pain).
Well, since I was a huge pill popper (almost 30 vics a day) I was not eating. I am down to 105lbs. Now I am so hungry and eating all the time I am terrified of gainning too much weight. I do not want to replace one addiction with another. I just have to keep telling myself that if I gain weight then I am healthy, and ALIVE. I am thankful to be alive to beable to gain the weight. I know people do not think like I do, and I tend to not articulate very well, especially since I am on clonadine to help control the detox symptoms. I just know that I have an addictive personality, and will not go overboard thinking about my weight, because I do not need another elephant in my living room!
