...what would you do if your supply of your DOC was no longer available? No more methadone clinics, no more H, pills would be hard to come by.
It wouldn't have to be a "zombie" apocalypse obviously, but when I was actively using & later on methadone, I used to worry & wonder what I would do if something happened to shut down society for a while & I had no access. Funnily enough, this imaginary scenario helped motivate me at times b/c I was terrified of the withdrawals!
It seems funny now, but it's a serious question. I wouldn't have been mentally or physically able to cold turkey detox off either substance as I was on a really high dose of mdone, & before that I won't even say how much H I was using. And I was emotionally unstable, going thru the laborious process of getting clean.
Just a thought. :) Any similar stories?
No. But s*** on the grocery and gun stores. I can only imagine the damn junkies caterwauling the raid the pharmacies. And I feel for the scrawny assed cat I was buying my dope from. I'da had that bag and ate him alive for dinner.