
I'd like to share some films I made about recovery and would like some input. I am enjoying this particular kind of filmmaking as it is healing a hole I had inside of me for years. My site is below :) This is the only time I will ask as I wish to respect the nature of the discussions on this site.

As of right now, I don't really have any input.

I just want to say your site is outstanding. I've been on there many times in the past few days and words can't express what i've learned and how it's helps me.

You've done a GREAT JOB.

It's people like you, who help people like us.

Thank you, and God Bless!

Thanks :) It's good to hear support for what I am going and the magic I am trying to create.
Oh wow! I will definitely go to this site! What an incredible public service this could be. What an amazing idea. I cant wait to look!
Nice, I am going to go sleep, but tomarrow I would like to learn more about it, did you do this site on your own, my hubby does this kind of stuff for a living, he works for Novell, are you familier w that company?

106 days
One day at a time
Yes, I make movies for a living. My last film premiered at Fox Studios in LA where I met several celebrities during my presentation. I might have a national television series in 2008 on Discovery. I'm looking to provide the highest quality recovery films to our community for free... I wouldn't say this is so much a hobby as it is spiritual fulfillment for me. It's one of the only things in my life that gives me happiness and sharing it with others.