Interesting New Study

Medical News Today

I'm having trouble figuring out the wider implications of this study.

Paralegal??? Your thoughts? I know you're not at work today so I want to pick your brains.

Anyone's thoughts?

What it all boils down to is that the mice used in the study were genetically altered to lack specific genes, which effects thier brains capacity to produce normal chemicals, that a normal mouse would to deal with stress.

I would have to see the protocol to know exactly what the researchers were proposing to do. Might be on the lines of saying that people with chemical imbalances, such as depression and other pyschological problems are more prone to exaggerated withdraw symptoms.

I can't even count out lunch money this morning Gina, I'll read it again when my brain is awake. LOL

"The findings of the present study demonstrate that, like hyperactive stress systems, severe deficiencies in major components of the stress-responsive system may worsen the somatic reactions to drug withdrawal," the researchers concluded.

and I always thought it had something to do with eating mass quanities of opiates for 15 years????

Well I had to read that sentence five times before meaning penetrated.

No, Tim, I think we're born that way -- addicts as biological sports -- and environment brings it out, or not. Weren't you addictive even before drugs entered your life? I know I was.


Does it mean that corticosterone can alleviate w/d symptoms?

I hasten to add, IN MICE ONLY.

Get your coffee. I'll see if I can find the original study. Thanks for reading it half-asleep -- I have no idea how you managed to explain so clearly altering mouse genetics under those conditions.

I don't think it means that exactly. I think what they are trying to say is that once they gave the mice the chemicals thier brain was lacking they exhibited more normal behavior compared to unaltered mice, but they still exhibited "normal" withdraw behavior. Like I said, unless we know exactly what the study was proposing, its hard for me to know what thier results were implying.

I don't think it means that exactly

Thank you, Michelle. And that's why a layman like me should never try to interpret the results of a scientific study. I always overdraw the conclusions.

I looked. I'd have to pay thirty bucks to get the full text of the article and I ain't paying that for something I wouldn't even be able to understand.

Sorry to make you work on your day off. What do you have planned for today? (Thread drift time. LOL, This one was going nowhere anyway. Of MIce and Men...)

P.S. Of course, we could always go play on that lesbian sex thread the troll just started.
sorry my bad
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hey molly i am glad to see you started a goos this morning! the weather here is horrendous winds which thunderstorms preceded. good morning jeff! i am trying to post a updo website for you to get ideas about annes hair for the dance if you need any advice on how to wear her hair. love jewels
Hey Gina

Sorry to up and run this morning. The trash men threw my trash can in the middle of the road and I had to get it out of the way before the bus came. I had to give them the finger too before they were out of eyesight. LOL

I wouldn't spend thirty bucks either. In about a year from now you can get a reprint from some scientific journal for about 5 bucks.

Michelle, What makes you think I'd shell out five bucks to find out what makes w/ds less bad for MICE? If they're stupid enough to use drugs, let 'em drink Immodium AD like the rest of us addicts.

Stupid white rodent trash. I don't know why lab rats think they're better than all the rest of the vermin in the world. Detoxing in posh NIH climate-controlled cages while there are ordinary field mice jonesing all over the place and DOES THE MEDIA GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THEM???




I like the half up, half down.



I think the wild ones are smarter than the lab variety.
Ah, but that's because they have hybrid vigor, unlike the inbred, genetically-enhanced blonde varieties.
I don't know Gina, most of mine are brunettes.
Really? I thought all lab mice had to be white. Well, there're my latent stereotypes about vermin showing again.

Most lab mice are derived from a handful of strains. Depending on what parent strain they come from refects their outside appearance. Some strains are inbred to keep genetic differences minimal, which could affect research data, and some are outbred for other reasons. I know WAY to much aboout f***ing mice. LOL

LMFAO Gina, Trashy fu@kin' celebumice, thinkin' they're as good as the rest of us!

My garbage can is half way down the road too. We all run to watch the guy doing it lately as he's quite crazy. He lets loose on the downswing and the cans fly hundreds of feet. He also drives up on yards and curses everyone out. And me, a taxpayer!

sloppy kisses, Beck

LOL! I heard those damn rats were on probation and driving with suspended licenses!

LMAO Beck!

I can't tell you how many trash cans I have lost to these morons. One of these days I'm going to fill a bag with dog s***, and then cut a hole in the bottom so it spills out all over them. The old trash guy was such a nice man, he even came in and killed a spider for me once, but these guys need a good thrashing with a log chain.

Whats going on with you today?

Hi Michelle, I've always wondered about paleogal. I'm thinking Leo gal, but maybe not. If so, what is the pa?

Our garbage is automated collection with 50 gallon cans. Truck pulls up next to them and automated arms reach out,grab and hoist them up to the open truck bed. Then back down. He lets go to soon and just flings them. But never leaves the truck, so I'll have to throw stuff through the window if I want payback. He's kind of scary. We watch in silence.

Nothing for me today. I'm totally enjoying doing nothing so far. I thought I'd have to go to my moms, but didn't have to. The boys are out of school so we're laying round being lazy!

How about you? What's up with our resident scientist?
Hey Beck

I'm what you would call a fossil guru. LOL I used to buy fossils off ebay from a dude called Paleoguy, so I adopted the paleogal.

I have some pretty neat ones, and quite a few I found myself.

I'm being lazy today too. I did finish up the laundry this morning, but can't seem to get motivated to do anything else.

Your trash guy sounds like the crazy mail man from Funny Farm. LOL
