Got my first job interview today in over 8 years. I have no idea what happens at a freakin job interview. All I know is I need a job. Say a prayer for me. I am more concerned about driving out of my box than I am the interview. I am such an idiot.
good luck, interview rules havent changed much..common manners and listening and asking a few questions about them will also let you know if you want the job
Well you can't lay by the pool everyday, now can you.
Good luck, you will be just fine!
Good luck, you will be just fine!
One word GOOGLE MAPS. Oh ya thats two. I don't know if you mean that driving thing literall or figuratively. But either way Google maps, and sharing what your going through. Do you know how many interviews I have been to? Ahh! Something I may be able to help with. The thing I have found to work the best at in interviews is to be yourself (at least the shiney cleaned up version) I believe that your transparancy will help.. Kat I am so proud :) So I take it your finished with school? Its just like your recovery suit up and show up. Can't wait to see how it goes. Check in and let us know. I am rooting for ya.
You'll do just momg says, same rules apply....transferrable skills, maturity, polite interest. It's good to keep those interview skills sharp. What kind of job? Good luck, Kat....fingers crossed.
Tina, Why can't ya lay by the pool everyday? I always wondered why some could and others couldn't...seems wrong somehow. (Especially since I'm one of those who can't - *sigh*)
Tina, Why can't ya lay by the pool everyday? I always wondered why some could and others couldn't...seems wrong somehow. (Especially since I'm one of those who can't - *sigh*)
Well, I got the job but I don't know if I want it. It's as a tech in a treatment center but it's per diem. I don't know if I can handle that. The interview went fine. Piece of cake LOL The driving not so much but I made it in one piece. Maybe I could get the job and hire a chauffeur? Nope, can't even spell it right.
Congrats, BFF. I knew you'd dazzle them...LOL
I'll be your chauffer, I've got tons of experience in traffic plus I watch Nascar so I know all the dynamics to bump drafting & driving inches from each other. You should see Friday night rush hour here, 5 lanes wide, inches from each other, doing 70miles an hour to a dead stop in 2.2 seconds, now that's insanity.....
Glad all the prayers were answered~
I'll be your chauffer, I've got tons of experience in traffic plus I watch Nascar so I know all the dynamics to bump drafting & driving inches from each other. You should see Friday night rush hour here, 5 lanes wide, inches from each other, doing 70miles an hour to a dead stop in 2.2 seconds, now that's insanity.....
Glad all the prayers were answered~
Hey GOOD for you & Im so happy for you.
Its understandable being nervous.After 8 years it must feel like your "first"job all over again.
Just remember...with the job,with the driving...with life..../.put one foot infront of thr other...steady ahead!!!!!
Love mj
Its understandable being nervous.After 8 years it must feel like your "first"job all over again.
Just remember...with the job,with the driving...with life..../.put one foot infront of thr other...steady ahead!!!!!
Love mj
First job interview in 8 years and you got the job.! you got it easy. Must be someone upstairs watchin your a**. Guarantee there are not that many people out there that could do that. Your a f***in genius. Good job friend.
great..its easier to get a job when you already have a job (odd isnt it?) so try it for a little and apply elsewhere if you need to...good job
Cool beans, Kat...even if you don't take it, it must feel pretty good :-)
I really need to win the lottery. I'll share.
Very excited for you Kat, congrats no matter what choice you make...
Mandm...breaking balls, I am sure there are thousands of things we all might choose to do rather than work if we could...beach bum would suit me nicely...
Mandm...breaking balls, I am sure there are thousands of things we all might choose to do rather than work if we could...beach bum would suit me nicely...
I swear I'd do volunteer work...and kamikaze gardening, and lots of yoga, and get enough sleep, and blueberry picking, and traveling...oh, to travel!
My sister retired at 40 (that tobacco case)...what's wrong with this picture?
My sister retired at 40 (that tobacco case)...what's wrong with this picture?
I would sleep late, drink coffee do a mid morning run. Go to a 10am meeting, get involved. Volunteer at my kids school. Learn to cook really well. Go shopping. Have the housework all done. A real woman always has a clean house, empty laundry basket, is well made- up, smells good, slim, healthy, eloquent and is perfectly well- behaved. ... I am beginning to suspect that I am a man....
I'd float in the pool at my BFF's house, in that perfect 80 degree weather, play on my I-pad while talking on my I-phone and when I got tired, I'd go take a nap................
Wait, this isn't my dream, this is your reality, huh? <beg>
Glad to see your a*ss is finally going back to work. You're too busy for me when you're not working.
And that driving outside your box, we call that 'experience'.
Wait, this isn't my dream, this is your reality, huh? <beg>
Glad to see your a*ss is finally going back to work. You're too busy for me when you're not working.
And that driving outside your box, we call that 'experience'.
You know what I think of change and I'll add experience and walking thru my fears to the same category. I just called a guy looking for a bookkeeper at a restraunt supply place. Maybe I'll get the job if I knew how to spell restaraunt. How do u spell it?
Did you get an interview?
IDK He's supposed to call me back in a few minutes. He was busy. I found him on Craigslist. What if he kills me??????
Then you won't have to worry about work anymore.
Then you won't have to worry about work anymore.