Is There A Spell Check For This Site?

Im the worst speller in the world especially when I type when the thoughts are flowing . Can I spell check before I post thanks Ray
I know you can, i just cant figure out how. Let me know if you can figure it out. It might help me as well!!!

Your Friend, Christina
Ray...I have no idea if there is spell check. However I will tell you this. I don't care how anyone spells that doesn't tell at all what is truely in there heart.
I think you do a fine job at relating what you are feeling from day to day. I am sure that others feel as I do....So don't worry about your spelling. There are other things that are much better to do with you day than worring.......
I hope you are having a great day....and are feeling well!
We can read almost anything so no worries.
My Dad would tell ya to get your dictionary out.
But I use to ask how do I know to look it up and where to look it up if I don't know how to spell it?! lol
Anyway, had to tease ya some.
HI" how are u i hope all is going ok for u" anyway ramon dont even worrie about your spelling weve hassed that out along time ago on this post and came to a conculesion this site is about addiction and recovery and how we spell is not what this site is about" there was one person who kept running others down about there spelling and thats when all the members set that person strait that this is not a spelling b site its a recovery site so please dont worrie about it i know as for me i wish i knew how to dot the eyes and the t's but hey i stoped worrying about that as u can tell by my spelling it sucks LOL.... anyway the main focus here is support and recovery so please just hang in there and focus on that please take care u are a dear person. HUGS + LOVE LITTLE H.
Thanks evryone foor yor imput I wunt wory any moore abot mi spelingg HAHA thanks again and best to all Ray
One of the reasons that i personally worry about my spelling on here is because i was told on here once, "if the spelling is wrong the people on this board think that your doped up and they will come after you for it".

It wasnt until i saw the post that someone wrote"how old id everyone"
that i stopped and said that it was stupid for me to be so worried about the way i spell!!
I realized that it didnt matter how old we were, or how bad of spellers we were of how bad we type...All that mattered is that were helping each other and making "friends" in the process.
Thats why i used that as my "name" on here to start with. I came her looking for "friends" to help me with all the probloms that came along with taking the pills. You all have been wonderful.!!!!!!!!!

Your "friend" Christina
HEY" christina my point ecactly u hit the nail right on the head support and friendship thats what its all about way to go girl. HUGS + LOVE LITTLE H.
Don't worry about the spelling. We all make mistakes..
Thanks Little H, Its about time i say something right these days!!(ha, ha, ha)

Your Friend, Christina
i was never too hip on the importance of spelling except for in professional documents & maybe final copies of stories, other then that , it gets in the way of thought more then it helps.--from an ex-english teacher.
yes there is:

I love you poopie, you know that.
if spelling correctly is a concern, why not type your response or new message out in microsoft word or works? you can do a spell check there, then copy and paste the message in the reply template here.

