Is There Anything Else?

Besides the 12 step program, is there any other program that works?

I ask for many reasons, one of the main problems I have is I really don't believe addiction is a disease. I can't compare it to lets say......cancer. I am really struggleing with this.
Google something like addiction recovery non 12 step.
thanks for the idea 12 stepper
Angela why do you feel that addiction is not a disease?

Shoot google Definition of a disease

here is one

"A disease is an abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions,[1] associated with specific symptoms and signs.[2][3]

In human beings,"disease" is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, and/or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person. In this broader sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, infections, isolated symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts and for other purposes these may be considered distinguishable categories.[citation needed]

Classifying a condition as a disease is a social act of valuation, and may change the social status of the person with the condition (the patient). Some conditions (known as culture-bound syndromes) are only recognized as diseases within a particular culture. Sometimes the categorization of a condition as a disease is controversial within the culture.

Angela there are other definitions but this kind of says it all dont you think?

Cancer? can be cured. Addiction can never be cured. You just hopefully learn the tools to keep in remission But like many diseases there is no magic pill for us addicts. I have a lot of diseases and none of them are as dangerous as my addiction to drugs and alcohol.
I don't know Jeff? I guess cause because my x pounded into my head that it was a character weakness, and I feel it is easy to say "I have a disease" and blame (for lack of a better word) it on that? I really need to better educate myself about my addiction.
hey angela99
read the posts under heading "need opinions" - it's on the pill board and was started by gemz.
i found it really interesting and informative. i think it will pretty much cover everything you are asking and more!!!
JAR, thanks, I will check it out.
Jeff, cancer can't also be cured. You go into remission (similar to addiction) but once you have it you have it. There are many kinds of cancer and some kinds are 99+% fatal (such as pancreatic cancer) and cancer is a disease that spreads to both other cancers and other diseases. When diagnosed with cancer, you typically die from multiple forms of it in combination with the general breakdown of the system.

I'm not saying addiction is not a disease but you can't compare it to cancer. There are no 12 step programs for cancer nor it is a spiritual thing (as AA implies) or a control thing (which is what Smart Recovery, etc) believes. As you know, the only way you go into remission is either chemo, radiation or cutting. You can live on a desert island, never smoke or drink, eat nothing but fruits and vegatibles and get the same kind of cancer as the smoker/drinker/city dweller. If you live on a desert island where no pills or alcohol are available, you will not become alcoholic or a pill addict. You simply could have the potential to become one someday given the right environment.

They aren't comparable at all. If anything, it would be more like Type II diabetits, which can be controlled through behavorial changes, what you put in your mouth, education, etc. Where Type I diabetits cannot be controlled through anything but insulin.

Based on scientific studies I have seen (via MRI brain scans, etc), I have to agree addicition is in fact a disease in which one idividual is prone over another. I think A.A. took a wild guess at it years ago that turned out to be true, as MRI's and CT's and these other ways to detect abnormailties in the brain weren't invented yet, nor was genetic research.

But there are many forms of cancer that behavior or whatever can't control. Ask any 4 year old in a hospital bed who has lukemia.

I think addicition is a combination of disease and cognitive behavior issues that manifest itself in chemical addiction for some and not for others.