Is There Hope For Wife Of Addict?

(I posted earlier this am). I've read more of the posts and things have become clearer. I didn't know that decreased sex drive and sleepiness were signs of oppiate addition. Some light bulbs have gone on. Can anyone tell me if this goes away if someone is in a maintenance program with buprenex? The lying has been the most destructive to the marriage and I'm at the end of my rope.......
HEY JEN IM IN A MAINTENNCE PROGRAM BUT ON METHADONE, I WAS LIKE YOUR HUSBAND. I WAS ON OPIATES OXYS AND PERKS FOR 5 YEARS. I KEPT IT A SECRET FROM MY HUSBAND IN THE BEGINNING THEN EVERYTHING CAUGHT UP TO ME. IT STARTED TO CONTROL MY LIFE AND MIND. BEFORE I KNEW IT I WASNT TAKING THEM TO GET HIGH I NEEDED THEM TO FUNCTION MY BODY RELIED ON THEM. I WENT THROUGH THE LYING AND TAKING MONEY OUT OF OUR ACCOUNTS. IVE DONE SOME NASTY STUFF TO HIM BUT HE STUCK BY ME THROUGH IT. EVENTUALLY MY ADDICTION GOT SO BAD I HAD TO TELL HIM. I DECIDED TO GO INTO THE METHADONE PROGRAM AND IVE BEEN CLEAN OFF OF OXYS AND PERKS FOR A YEAR NOW. HE COMES TO MEETINGS AND MY COUNSELING WITH ME AT TIMES, IT HELPS HIM TO UNDERSTAND MY ADDICTION A LITTLE BETTER.MY ADVICE TO YOU IS TRY TO GET SOME COUNSELING WITH YOUR HUSBAND. GO TO GROUPS WITH HIM. IF HE STICKS TO THESE PROGRAMS THE RIGHT WAY HIS LIFE WILL GET BACK ON TRACK I PROMISE IVE BEEN THERE! TAKE CARE AND PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS I CAN BE PRETTY HELPFUL. MYCAREBEAR96@AOL.COM TAKE CARE....JAY sister's husband is also addicted to vicodin and oxycotin. Oxycotin is a relative of my knowledge. He has been on pain management for the past 9 years. He has gotten worse. He is married, was a great guy, on disability. Same story. goes from doctor to doctor with all kinds of excuses. We need help as to where to begin. She did call his pain management doctor. His family cannot be trusted. We are all close and plan to help her and stick by her. He is very irrationial now and only sees things his way. No laughing, nothing is funny. Everyone is after his money......he got from his settlement. That is his's not a good seen. Could you please give me some insight on this matter. Thank you.......
Thank you, thank you for your replies. I have hope now- and I have been feeling so hopeless and alone. My husband has gone to different doctors seeking- it's such a cycle. And Jane, it is hard if the family is enabling the addict. I have benefitted from alanon- it mostly addresses alcoholism but it's a program that teaches families of substance abusers how to live their lives whether or not the person get treatment or not. I would encourage you and your sister (and whatever family members interested) to try a meeting or two. I know that other methods I've tried such as begging, pleading, threatening, reasoning, etc. have NOT worked.
Jay, I appreciate your insight so much. We have an appointment this week with the Psyciatrist regarding the buprenorphine. After that the plan is marriage counseling. I've done all I can do- the rest is in his hands. Jen
Hi Jen.....

Thank you for your honesty and your response. He is very angry right now. Trying to find out who told and why my sister called the doctor and the drug counselor. I plan to go to an alanon meeting at the drug center next Tues. night. It's every Tues. but tonight I couldn't.

Yes, he went from doctor to doctor, excuses after excuses why he was in so much pain and needed more. He went on the streets also asking for heroin.......being that it's a cousin of oxycotin. He was never never into drugs before. He is now in his late 40's married for over 20 years, family etc.......He's irrational at times, a recluse. a changed person. It's sad. Yes, the drugs became his whole life and daily living. Everything revolved around his pills. Tomorrow will bring another day. My sister told him on Monday that she went to a drug counselor so it's still setting in.
Hi Everyone I just wanted to post a note of hope I just went through 3 years of hell with my husband addict to oxycontin. He was up to 1500 milgrams a day. Two Back surgurys. I cant even count the doctor it has to be around 50. Oct. 2003 It all came to ahead. He had ran out of pills was going through withdrawels and his mind completly snapped. He didnt even know who I was I thought he was having a stroke. Called 911. They came took him to the hospital . This time was the scarest Ive every seen him It was pure evil inside my husband. I took the steps of getting a protection order against him for me and the 5 kids. The police and courts helped me. I got a legal aid lawyer for free. I know God was watching over me. I left him in the hospital and didnt look back. By the grace of god My husband is now sober. He takes drug tests every month for my peace of mind. And yes the lying and hidding information from was the worst over the years. Pain killers are a slow death youre watching someone you love just dissappear. I know tough love is hard but it was the only thing left for me to do. He was so close to death , I couldnt stay and watch him Die. God Bless Everyone. Your all in my prayers. Billie
Tell your sister to take very good care of herself. And, you and the rest of the family as well. You've probably heard the three C's- you didn't cause the disease, you can't control it, but you can learn to cope. Alanon saved my life when married to my first husband who was an alcoholic. He was very angry when I started living my life and stopped enabling him. He's finally sober- of his own accord (that's the way it happens- nothing I could have done could have brought that about). He had to hit his bottom.
My husband now is an addict. That was so hard to see- it's easier to cover up than alcohol. When we were dating I has no clue but I think he was trying to stay clean. All I know is that I have to do what's right for myself and my son. It's very hard seeing someone you know and love act like someone you don't know. My husband is the kindest, warmest person you could meet- it's hard to love the person and hate the disease. Hang in there....I'll say a prayer for you and your family......Jen
Dear Jen,

Thanks for your support. I plan on going to an alanon meeting next Tues. at the drug center where we went for my sister's husband. He was the nicest, etc. guy around. His drug of choice was only alcohol until he got hurt....then vicodin, oxycotin, dilautin, hydromorphine. He had his own cocktails going on! He was even seeking out heroin. They are in trouble. Different family members want her to just leave or have him leave.....tough love. What do you think? You could e-mail me at thank you!