Is There Something In The Drinking Water????

If there is remind me not to drink it! My oldest daughter just called from S.C. to let us know her and her husband are expecting again in Feb. I asked her if this was April Fools Day but apparently it is not. Then she informed me that her husband has orders to leave for Iraq in Dec. and would like to move back in with us while he is gone. Don't get me wrong I love my two oldest girls but god lord could they give me a chance to get my two youngest in collage before they start bringing more babies home. Shantel
Aw..another exciting. I know it's tough Shantel, we think we've raised them and somehow they just don't ever leave completely. Personally, I wish all of mine would live with me, but that's only because none of them do and the grandkids are so far away. Hang in there kiddo.