It Can Be Done!

Here's my take on the whole social drug issue.

As a youngster and a young man in the 40's and 50's, I was into tobacco and alcohol. In my industrial neighbourhood it seemed that all men smoked and drank. The cigarette industry was also advertising its product everywhere.

In 1957 I gave up tobacco after the cancer link was discovered. I'm not looking for a medal but I just did it with willpower, no patches, potions or higher power was needed. I simply decided that I'd had enough of being a smelly smoker with a high risk of dying early and became angry with myself for my ongoing stupidity.

Of course, I remained a "social drinker". Which meant that on occasions I drank too much behaved badly and drove while under the influence. Still, it seemed that alcohol was an essential part of my social life.

In 1968, I was introduced to marijuana and I loved it. In the 70's of course, there were the days of "flower power", "turn on, tune in and drop out".

So, as well as marijuana and hashish, I used LSD and hallucinogenic "magic" mushrooms.

I'm not sure why but in the early eighties, (I was in my mid to late forties) I sat down and did a serious appraisal of my life so far. I realised that much of it had been spent in a drug induced haze and I had spent a lot of time and money in pursuit of drugs. (Although I never did went back to tobacco)

I decided it was time to find out what life could be like without any "social" drugs to assist me.

I gave up everything with only willpower to help me and I am now totally drug free! (Although I have to admit that I fell a few times along the way.)

I'm not going to say it was easy but I am going to say that it can be done.

I don't believe in a higher power beyond my own ability. I simply got angry at my ongoing stupidity and decided, " If it's going to be, it's up to me."

You can turn to as many "higher powers" as you like but ultimately YOU are the one who has to say "NO" to drugs.

It can be done!

What's that I hear you say, "You've tried and failed"
Okay, that's alright, that's usually part of the quitting process. In the words of the song, "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again".

You can do it! You just need to WANT to. Most people fail because in their hearts they don't really WANT to lose their dependence on drugs.

Here endeth the first lesson.

Good luck!

you were the MAN back in 2003 with this i sight Phroso and you are the man today. Thank you!!!

With this insight rather