It Never Gets Better

Hello everyone, I have not been around for awhile, thought I was "cured" stopped going meetings and relapsed. To those who think taking a pill here and there is no big deal, it will lead you right back to where you started. For me not going to meetings and isolating was a big factor. I tried to rationalize using becuz I was in pain and the dr gave it to me, although i failed to mention to him I had issues with pills. So anyway to all who are struggling don't give in becuz you may not make it back.
Hey tropical......Im sorry to hear of your struggle again,but I find your honesty about it......very brave.You may not see it as that but I do.

I dont want to pry,but have you started recovery...(again)meetings & such?If so I would REALLY like to hear how your doing......
You are so right....addiction ...I dont think is EVER cured.No such things for people such as us.I forget the saying but part of it is ...1 pill is 1 too many,.....To all ...thats so true.
Anyways,if you feel like telling how things are....I think that would be great
Sorry that you are having problems, but like Brina said it's great that you posted about it and were completely honest. I hope many read this and if they are playing that lil game or thinking about it this could very well deter them from doing it.

I hope you are doing better!

Sabrina... one pill is too many and a thousand is never enough! Good to see you!
Welcome back, Tropical.

And thank you for the reminder how quickly it gets bad when we quit doing what we need to do to stay clean & sober. There are times when my head tells me I do enough and I deserve a break from AA, from service, from meetings, that I deserve time just to be lazy & take a break from recovery and I need to be reminded that that's just bullsh*t, recovery is an everyday thing, one day at a time.

Have you called your sponsor or gone back to meetings? Are you still caught up in the cycle of active addiction? What can we do to help you? Last I remember, you had moved to AZ?

Glad to see you back, alive & sharing...

Stacey, I still live in Az however I just moved to a remote town of less than 100. Took a job out in the wilderness. I have a appt Thursday in town and called last week and told the nurse I was having issues. I am not in the position of going cold turkey as I started this job 3 days ago and cant call off a week already. I will say this Dr has you fill a questionarre out every month about is your use becoming a problem and that type of thing and I always lied so now that I told the nurse and she charted it, I know he will take action and that is my only source period. So if he cuts me off totally than so be it. time to move on and get my life back. I live on the property I work on so I try to maintain a somewhat "normal" stance all the time.

Thanks Stacey for asking about me I appreciate it alot, alot of people on this board relapsed and just dont come back or admit it. I dont even know why I admitted it, I wont consider sub or anything like that as I dont think I even fit the criteria for it. That would for me create another problem in the long run
There are 2 great things that came out of this:
1. You're not letting this disease take you out permanently; you know the steps you have to take to come back, and
2. Your sharing this experience humbles us all and we can learn from you!

Thanks for sharing, SO glad you're back and on the recovery road again!
That's what this board is supposed to be about, Recovery. I really appreciate you coming back and sharing your experience and maybe you got honest here because it's safe and you're done. Since you're in a remote area, this board can be a great place for recovery along with F2F.

I remember when Mark came back after his relapse and one of the miracles I got to watch over the last 6 months is reading his shares, seeing the fog lift and watching his HP enter into his life and learning from him.

I agree with AddictMom, you belong here, we belong here.

Glad you're back~
Hi All .....As I said....tropical you admitting to your relapse I really feel will help so many that may be having a hard time admitting things.

Why I wonder is it so hard for addicts/us to admit relapses,slips whatever you call it.Is it because our own minds trick us into believeing we didnt relapse?There is so much about the way this thing called addiction works,I think I can spend a lifetime trying to figure the hows & whys & Ill probaly STILL not know anything.

Ive been lurking for awhile Rhonda & thank you .....just for the kind words.
Tropical I hope you are doing better & pop in.....your post has helped many....myself included
Hey Tropical..welcome back darlin.

Isn't it funny that we think it can't happen to us? You are a reminder for me, that it can happen to anyone. Me included, no matter how much clean time you have. As long as there are pain pills and docs that prescribe them, we will fight for our lives.

Any meetings close by to where you are? Sounds like you live pretty remote but it might be worth the drive? What do you think?

So glad you came back, thank you for being honest. It is very humbling for me.
I know what you mean. To me, I am a broken record. I don't know how many times after clean time I have asked myself the same deceitful question. What can a couple pills hurt, especially since I have a "legitimate need."

The reality it, it is not even a question to me - it is a way for the tenticals of my addict mind to reach out. For I know what a couple pills will do (I no longer say CAN DO for the outcome is always the same.) I ALWAYS END UP THE SAME PLACE.