theres not to many people on the board anymore, where did everyone go ??
I have to say this is is bigghing me, theres a person on this board named Trideltmom who is asking for our preyers for her dying friend and hardly anyone has responded , that bothers me most of us know how she feels i for one know all to well, but can we just take a moment of our day to send our love to her and her friend?....thanks>>. i know that shes in my preyers...
Also i am nervuious because i have court tommorow, because when your put into a court ordered program u go to court all the time to see how u r doing:(, i hate court scares the hell out of me!! being that I was remanded in cout two times not something i wanna go thru but have to for a while so if u guys can keep me in you thoughts a preyers i would really would appriciate it from the bottom of my heart i have been clean for 2 months! i dont get chips or anything dont need to i know that i did it, right?, right! take care all and if theres anyone out there who needs toi chat please feel free to do so...thanks!
hi..not sure that i've formely met you..i'm dj.i'm 28.i am also an addict.
you are right .it does seem as though there are not a lot of people around.
when i first showed up there was tons of folks.i guess they come and go..
anyway, not sure what your court thing is about but i wish you the best of
luck..i will keep you in my prayers..
i' should be around for a bit if you would like to chat..
i am very sorry about your baby..i won't even pretend to know what you are going through.i do hope that you heal and make peace with it..
god bless..
hi..not sure that i've formely met you..i'm dj.i'm 28.i am also an addict.
you are right .it does seem as though there are not a lot of people around.
when i first showed up there was tons of folks.i guess they come and go..
anyway, not sure what your court thing is about but i wish you the best of
luck..i will keep you in my prayers..
i' should be around for a bit if you would like to chat..
i am very sorry about your baby..i won't even pretend to know what you are going through.i do hope that you heal and make peace with it..
god bless..
Thanks swetie, my court is i commited a felony got put on formal probation tryed to get a rx for vics under my nick name Mitzy and thay violated my probation, I was remanded in court right in frount of my sponer and uncle and was locked up for a few weeks got put into a drug program am on testing random, my court was today, i messed up on the dates and my assesment for the program was yesterday and my court was today and damm it with all this crap (sorry) going on i messed up on my dates theres a warrant out for me right know but i and the help of my program are going to court tommrow to clear it up! I am a basket case..i am so scared of Jail!! TEERIFIED, that place is horrible! so that whats going on with me.... any suggestions ??? anyone??
I just wanna change my identiey(sp?).....
any suggestions?
I just wanna change my identiey(sp?).....
any suggestions?
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Once a Idiot always a Idiot!!!! LMAO!!!!
Lets remember that this is a place to come to for help and support, not to be made fun of when someone is obviously really scared.
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Briar, your so right but people like Vinny get a kick out of kicking people when they are down...hes oviously a sick perverted person thats all that i have to say about that thing...
btw, how r u doing??i havent heard from u in a long time..
btw, how r u doing??i havent heard from u in a long time..
I'm pretty good Mitzi, had surgery on my ankle and and recooping from that. It was pretty major and I've been having to stay in bed this whole time with it elevated and with hubby and kids doing everything (thats the good part).
I'm sorry to hear about your legal problems, whats going to happen? Besides that, it sounds like your doing good. Keep it up. Ignore negatives and try to stay positive, I'm sure this is a very scary time for you.
I'm sorry to hear about your legal problems, whats going to happen? Besides that, it sounds like your doing good. Keep it up. Ignore negatives and try to stay positive, I'm sure this is a very scary time for you.
i have to go for a few , ill be back in a few, hehe, Briar w/b if u can?? ill respond in a few..
im sorry mitz you just make it so easy,now can't we all just get along.......................vinny.
See, Vinny is really a sweetie. How are ya Vin? Congrats on the new job.
Hi Mitzy....long time no see. Sorry for all the problems. I always hated court too. An expired liscense ticket and I turn into a blubbering idiot. I think it's the public speaking phobia I have. I just hate getting up in front of a room full of people. A shame you can't talk to the judge one on one for things. I hope it all goes well for you. Love, Kat
Hey Mitzi, it's Jean:
I don't believe we have talked before. I am a Lortab nut - I only have 11 clean days behind me - would have 23 but messed up and took 8 during a 3 day period - I was lucky that it was not enough to go through the WD stuff again.
I am so sorry for your legal stuff. I don't know a lot about it but I will definately say an extra prayer for you tonight. The prayers from this board have truly helped me or I would be locked in my room right now still going through WD's - they usually last a lot longer than they did for me this time. I think this board may have saved my life. The list of OTC meds and other stuff really helped.
Don't forget - you have a forum of people here praying for you and I truly believe God hears all of our prayers.
Best of luck to you.
Love, Jean
I don't believe we have talked before. I am a Lortab nut - I only have 11 clean days behind me - would have 23 but messed up and took 8 during a 3 day period - I was lucky that it was not enough to go through the WD stuff again.
I am so sorry for your legal stuff. I don't know a lot about it but I will definately say an extra prayer for you tonight. The prayers from this board have truly helped me or I would be locked in my room right now still going through WD's - they usually last a lot longer than they did for me this time. I think this board may have saved my life. The list of OTC meds and other stuff really helped.
Don't forget - you have a forum of people here praying for you and I truly believe God hears all of our prayers.
Best of luck to you.
Love, Jean
Thanks all, i just woke up from a nap i needed it, as i have court in the am, s*** i need to go get my doctors note to explain , but as for you vinny ok ......sorrry for what I said thats just f***ed up to say to someone who just lost her baby and is going thru court stuff and all the other drama in my life, sooo....
Blair thanks for writting back and all of you as well thats sweet! of the topic does anyone watch Hells Kitchen its on Mondays? its good!
Blair thanks for writting back and all of you as well thats sweet! of the topic does anyone watch Hells Kitchen its on Mondays? its good!
Hi Kat, i missed you, i wish that we could e-mail one another but my husband removed my e-mail address because my friend was trying to buy drugs in line using my e-mail address so he removed it, but i will get another address and we will chat ok, he gets home later on 6;30 so i will trll you, ok, take care hun and write me here if you like untill ya, mitzy
mitsy, i wanted to say hi and that i hope that court goes ok for you tom.i will keep you in my thoughts sweetie.hang in there.let us know what happens.kimber:)
I will hun, thanks....