It Was A Bust

I went at 6 this morning and they gave T-Mom a line just like they have been doing me. They want me to see a Dr. Holden to help me detox the benzo's and he wants $150.00 for the 1st visit, he might as well want 1000.00. But I'm gonna keep trying. Thank you all for your ideas and your help.
Does he accept public aid?
Hey Connie,
I don't know exactly what to say other than keep trying. Can you go to a N/A meeting?Will your friend drive you? I don't understand how these people expect you to wean down if you have already stopped cold turkey after all these days. It's almost like what's the point in getting back on them and weaning down. I may not understand exactly but that's nothing new!LOL
Hang in there, you sound like your doing a little better. So it sounds like at this point you will have to find a job soon and pull yourself out in order to get help for your addiction. It is possible to remain clean but it will take a lot of hard work. Cutting your connections off is the first thing since you've been buying them off the streets. I feel for you but not a lot we can do. Keep calling around. Call that Brenda Lands lady back. Beg her to help you. That's all you can do it keep trying. You will get through this and look back and say "how did I ever get myself in that mess". One day at a time is all you can do.... Rae

Ps. The food stamps should be approved very soon if you filled out the paperwork and truned it in. As far as the medicaid goes here in Florida you hae to have minor children to qualify for that. I am sure different states have different laws! Did you call some more churches for food and cash asst?

What a mess! After Connie IMed me today and told me that, I called the guy back and talked to him to ask him why he told me one thing,and then another. He said they can't touch her until they have documentation that she has had a doctor superivised Benzo withdrawal, and he didn't know of anyone that would do that for free. WTF? The thing is, I told him yesterday that she was off the benzos for a few days. Anyway, that's the way it is.

How about Medicaid, or Medicare, whatever it is. I guess it takes a while to get approved for that, and a lot of effort for anyone, let alont someone in pain due to meth/ w/d. Anymore ideas? We could just send the bill to Tom. LOL Sorry, trying to find some humor in this. Connie, did you look at the Ashton Plan I told you about?

The problem might be that benzo's take an extremely long time to withdraw from..weeks, months..sometimes years..if she has a legal script for Xanax, they should take her..if not..well. But they are correct in not having her quit all at once..

I asked my sister-in-law about Medicaid because she is on it and she said they can approve you the same day and give you a temp least in Illinois..
Could she get medicaid even if she doesn't have minor children? I know you can't in Florida..I guess she would know. That's what she needs to get into a doctor for free.

Talk about banging your head against the wall...hang in there Connie, I know it sounds hopeless, but look at what happened here on this board, there is human kindness, Carol showed that in spades. Something eventually has to give.

All the best

What a nightmare. I hope they get you help. Connie, when did you last apply for medicade? Did you qualify?
If you have been off the bezos for a few days, you should be able to get in...
I wish you luck, and Tridelt, you are awsome..
I am not sure how it is in other states but here in Georgia it is very hard to get if you have no minor children that means children under 18, but it may include children that are 18 but still in a primary school.. like high school... I went thru this a few years ago when my husband first had his stroke. We had only $575.00 worth of income a month comming in at the time and they told us that my daughter qualified but me and him did not. The limit for getting medicade was you could not make over 324.00 a month for a family of three to get medicade.. I think it has changed some now, when he got his disablility they gave him medicare. Medicade does not automatically come with that, the state applied for him to get the medicade also to help with the extra cost of medical bills and prescriptions his check was under 600.00 a month and he did not qualify he was two dollars over the limit.. So adult medicade is almost impossible to get.
i had the same thing at one point i didnt qualify for medicaide but my kids did, but if i needed medical attention and showed proof of it the state would still pick it up. on the chance i needed it. but they wouldnt qualify me monthly. i am in michigan


Evidently each state is different. In illinois, kids are not factored in. My sister in law has no kids..

I seem to remember Connie being in Louisiana..

Connie, here are some links..

Adults can get it here but it is next to impossible to get it I guess you have to just about have to be living on the streets to get it. LOL... You have to be making less than 574.00 a month to get it..

WHAT THE HECK IS THIS COUNTRY COMMING TO.It should NOT be this hard to get help.I mean this is FREAKING AMERICA.WE are suppose to be the ALL That in health care.Being addicted to something does NOT make you any less deserving of getting help.ConnieI REALLY dont know what I would do in your shoes.My GOD what is it gonna take to get the help you need

OK I just needed to vent Thanks
Hey Yall,
Just wanted to add something on the medicaid issue. I am in new orleans and heres the deal on medicaid. You will only get approved for medicaid if you are pregnet, over 65, or on disability. It would take an act of congress to get it any other way...Trust me i know. My kids have medicaid and have for the last 6 years so i know the ropes. Even once you have your baby after your 6 month check up they cut you off. Currently the state of louisiana is trying to do away with the medicaid program. It is now LA chip for kids LA champ for 10 and older and LA mom for pregnet women. They want medicaid just for seniors and disabled people. Connie have you gone to Charity hospitial. They dont turn anyone away. Here is another suggestion call N.O.A.H ( new orleans adolesent hosp.) it is a very big state funded mental hosp. I know that you are not and adolesent but they will point you in the right direction. Also call call mandeville hosp. it is across the river and is also state funded they will take you. Hope this helps on your journey.
God Bless You
connie are you in south louisiana or north louisiana? my scrip doc mentioned donating meds to underprivileged ppl and i am sure that there must be somewhere local (i live in north LA) that takes care of the ppl. Charity hospital may be your only hope, though in my opinion they give substandard care...but i am fortunate to have at least a half arsed insurance.
I have tried The Charity hospital and every drug re-hab in the book and internet. I am still trying. I applied for Medicare and food stamps. It just feels hopeless but I'm trying to keep my head up. That's all I can do. You guys are the best and I thank you so very much for your help and ideas. Believe me when I tell you, I have tried everything I know to try. If I ever get myself out of this, I promise you, I will NEVER go thru this again. Again, I thank you!
Good that is good to hear Connie... Keep having that same attitude and you'll be just fine.. Hang in there you doing great.. How many days has it been? Are you taking anything to help you sleep? I posted to you on the other thread but didn't know if you would see it. Rae
I am determined to make it. I made a promise to myself and my children. I want to be clean by my daughter's graduation. It seems so funny to me that doctors will hand out the pain pills but when you want to get off, there's nobody.
Oh I know girl. Your not telling me anything new. Most of the doctor's I have ever had didn't have a problem giving me any kind of drug for my back pain. When I was taking hydro a few months back I had a doctor want to write me methadone. A different doctor that wrote me methadone back in 2002. I didn't want to tell him "oh No I am not taking methadone," I detoxed from that before."So I just said no I know someone who had a hard time getting off and I don't want to try it. He's like are you sure it will ease your pain better than vicodin. I said yes I am sure, he said well go home and think about it and let me know next month. I left the office thinking yeah right buddy. I'll never take that sh*t again,a$$hole..

Some doctor's have no clue what the heck they are writing. Then when you tell them I want off they look at you like your an addict and need help from withdrawling. It's like ok doc you didn't know I was an addict?LOL So yes I see what you mean. You just have to remember you got yourself into the mess and now your going to have to get yourself out. The pain won't last forever but I know you are having it rougher than others as far as pain goes. Methadone is very painful to get off. I took everything OTC I could get my hand on... What are you taking? Rae
Connie sorry to hear of your troubles, there should some damn way in this place we call home. For God's sake this is f***ing America. Go to the er and they will help u find a good doctor at the hospital or direct u to somewhere with free services. At least thats what they do in South Carolina.

Keep trying please u deserve the help to better yourself. It is sick that docs don't see that but if are clean there goes one more of their paying customers or numbers what ever they look at us as.

U r a strong person that is evident, Good Luck hon.

Thinking of u and God Bless

Tina (Kyra)