Well, the sh*t hit the fan today. I have been wating for it to come, actually. I just didn't expect it today. My son, who many of you know is a 24 year old, unemployed addict, who lives in my home, has been slowly stealing stuff from our home. I have been through this before so all of our money and my jewelry is always in our safe ( I know what you are all thinking) My husband and I have been struggling with our marriage and have been seperated on and off for the last 6 months or so. He is also my son's father and many of our marriage problems are because of my son. So, this morning my husband came over. He was going to the store with me and moving some of his stuff back home. We have agreed we are going to tough this out after 25 years of marriage. After we go to the store, he opens the garage door to unload stuff and goes ballistic. Many of his tools are missing. When he confronted my son, we got that same old "I took them awhile ago". When him and I went to the pawn shop, it turned out awhile ago was Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday of this past week. We (my husband) kicked him out with only the clothes he was wearing. I guess he didn't take my husband seriously because he said he had no where to go, so he was leaving his stuff. I had him in my car and had to say goodbye in front of the pawn shop with his 2 year old daughter. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I know it's the right thing to do....positvely. That just doesn't make it any easier.
I am hurting right along with you Lisa.
I feel you. It never ceases to amaze me just how the same we all are. The same struggles, the same heartaches. What is your son addictedd too? Like me husband, your husband did the right thing. These kids have to have a bottom line and we mother's are lucky to have husbands that can do what we can't. Keep talking...it helps. I am so lucky to have all the people I do in my life right now. They listen to me cry, they tell me when I'm wrong. Get some help..family counseling for you and your husband.
Here's my email if you want to talk more.... saddlesore78@yahoo.com
Here's my email if you want to talk more.... saddlesore78@yahoo.com
Thanks, Lisa,
I will take you up on that email sometime tomorrow. I need to focus on my granddaughter today. She was visiting her Daddy for the weekend....great visit, huh? She goes home tomorrow.
Oxycontin started the cycle. In the middle there was alcohol, benzos, shooting herion, and now I think he's come to shooting crack. Since he's so untruthful, that's just an educated guess from snooping and listening........
Take care,
I will take you up on that email sometime tomorrow. I need to focus on my granddaughter today. She was visiting her Daddy for the weekend....great visit, huh? She goes home tomorrow.
Oxycontin started the cycle. In the middle there was alcohol, benzos, shooting herion, and now I think he's come to shooting crack. Since he's so untruthful, that's just an educated guess from snooping and listening........
Take care,
Be angry at the disease, the drugs...not the child. He's sick. I truly believe that Jake has no conscience thought when he's getting the drugs. Doesn't do it knowingly to hurt me or anyone else. It's the addiction and until they can learn to live without it, they will stay sick. My heart goes out to your granddaughter. She's young enough to not remember any of this if your son can clean up his act soon.
JT, I'm sorry you are hurting. I know all to well the pain you are feeling right now as my husband and I had to remove our daughter from our home a few years back. Not because of drug addiction but other issues. I shed alot of tears and what got me through was prayer and alot of it. I knew deep down in my heart as I'm sure you do that it was what needed to be done at that time. Over on Lisa's thread there are tons of good posts. Hopefully, you have had a chance to read all of them I'm sure they will be of some comfort to you. Will keep you and your family in my prayers. Stay strong. Shantel
Don't mean to butt in, but Lisa or Shantel can you talk to that lady "sheri" that posted a little while ago? She needs some help. Thanks. Roe
I'm doing ok. I have heard from my son, which I figured I would. He has really no friends at all. None that use and none that don't. He's totally on his own out there. He knows what to do, though. He made connections before in NA and he can do it again He will have to to survive. He can come to the house only when we are home. I love him and I think he knows that and he knows his Dad loves him, too. He told me he knew this was going to happen today. I told him yesterday that his Dad was coming over today and doing some work in the house. Well, of course the tools would be discovered missing. He told me he considered leaving me a note and leaving the house after I went to bed last night, but changed his mind. His plans were to go to a temp agency and work, starting Monday and he says he's still following through with that. He definetly needs some kind of money to pay his way someplace, so that should be inspiration. He needs bus fair, too. He doesn't have a car. If this isn't his bottom, I really don't know what is.
I feel like I am thinking in circles....
I feel like I am thinking in circles....
Thinking in circle
What if hell, like this?
If he does this, and or this then maybe
And if I do this and or this, but not that cause it didnt work last time then maybeand now that we kicked him out maybe he will, but what if he doesnt.
Take the time to focus on you now. It is really different when we step out of their madness.
Be good to you.
What if hell, like this?
If he does this, and or this then maybe
And if I do this and or this, but not that cause it didnt work last time then maybeand now that we kicked him out maybe he will, but what if he doesnt.
Take the time to focus on you now. It is really different when we step out of their madness.
Be good to you.
So, I have survived the first 36 hours and so has my son. He's not staying in a haflway house. Apparently, he needs money for that, and he has none. He says tomorrow he's going to the local temp agency that he has worked through before. They pay daily, so he'll have money to get a place to stay tomorrow night. That is if they have work. For now, he's sleeping in a tent in a wooded area not far from my home. It's a sort of tent camp, and he was lucky (?) enough to find an abandoned tent that had a matress inside. He came to our house today and ate. I offered him a shower, which he refused. He said he couldn't find a homeless shelter to go to. He's on foot, so I don't know if that made the difference or not. Anyway, my heart is literally breaking. How could he end up like this and if this isn't his bottom, what will be?
This has been an extremely warm weekend, but they are calling for snow later this week.....
Please pray for Chris.
This has been an extremely warm weekend, but they are calling for snow later this week.....
Please pray for Chris.