Was taking 6-7.5 vicodin in the morning and at night. The last 3 times I have tried to go CT the WD are mild for 3 days. I ususally end up using because I do experiance extreme fatigue everything else is minor. I have been using for 2 years and I was taking my pills every single day unless I tried to go CT. Has anyone experianced this.
My last dose was 4pm yesterday and I have not had any WD's well I am not tired but also not really motivated like you feel right after taking pills.
Also I want to add that in the past when I was trying to detox i did not crave but I am having severe cravings that I am fighting off and on.When I watch movies I am find but in between they are very bad
Hi there,
you are not alone I am going through the same thing right now. Only I mostly took vicodin or whatever painpills at night. I have not had a painpill in 13 days. I took about 7-8 10mg everynight and honestly you start to loose count. I'v went through the worst part of the withdraws but slipped into a deep depression.
Thank goodness I found this sight. The information people haven given me has been comforting. Someone replyed to my story and informed me of (PAWS) Post-Acute-withdraw syndrome. They told me it could take months before I would feel better and that scares me. Today I'm still no better but I don't expect to be. All I know is I don't won't to take them anymore and I will stick with it. It's a day by day battle but almost everyone on her has quit and some have been taking way more for over 20 years. For me this was a secret I kept for 2 years until the day I quit. I told my fiance and that was the last thing he would have expected.
Still I do not think he understands exactly what I'm going through. Lately he's been working out of town 5 days a week, so I'v been pretty much recovering by myself and taking care of my two children.
So know what your about to go through and try to be mentally prepared. It seems without pills life sucks. We just have to keep remembering that we oneday can be happy/functionable without any form of pill. It just takes time, how long is unpredictable but one day it will happen. The people here have so far taught me that.
Good luck. Post your daily withdraws on here it may help some or even help others.
you are not alone I am going through the same thing right now. Only I mostly took vicodin or whatever painpills at night. I have not had a painpill in 13 days. I took about 7-8 10mg everynight and honestly you start to loose count. I'v went through the worst part of the withdraws but slipped into a deep depression.
Thank goodness I found this sight. The information people haven given me has been comforting. Someone replyed to my story and informed me of (PAWS) Post-Acute-withdraw syndrome. They told me it could take months before I would feel better and that scares me. Today I'm still no better but I don't expect to be. All I know is I don't won't to take them anymore and I will stick with it. It's a day by day battle but almost everyone on her has quit and some have been taking way more for over 20 years. For me this was a secret I kept for 2 years until the day I quit. I told my fiance and that was the last thing he would have expected.
Still I do not think he understands exactly what I'm going through. Lately he's been working out of town 5 days a week, so I'v been pretty much recovering by myself and taking care of my two children.
So know what your about to go through and try to be mentally prepared. It seems without pills life sucks. We just have to keep remembering that we oneday can be happy/functionable without any form of pill. It just takes time, how long is unpredictable but one day it will happen. The people here have so far taught me that.
Good luck. Post your daily withdraws on here it may help some or even help others.
Thanks Leann for replying to my post. I did have the sweats and chills for the night but I am not extremly tired like in the past and I don't have an aching back like before. It is really helping me keep things in perspective. I am not working like before and that was always a problem because I felt so stressed to get better in a certain amount of time.
I will say that in the past my husband did not exactly understand me when I said I did not feel well. Going to the restroom was a chore that I wopuld have to sit 20 min before I could get up and do it, and then I would sit for coulple of hours before I could get up and do things again. I couldn't really do anything . I was telling him(husband) I could not make dinner and call this person or take care of anything and it would stress me out when he said .... Do you need me to give the baby a bath or are you up for cooking dinner...so on and so forth.
I sat down and explained to him that I am not capable to do any of those things and when he asked out of what he thought was kindness it was not a help for me. This time he is just taking care of things with out asking and I know that he works all day but I do not feel guilty. I had to let go of the guilt if I wanted to be better. It is really helping me. He has offered to got to Na meetings but I have still to go to one. I feel so much better then the other times I tried to detox and I couldn't understand how the othe people that were detoxong were even able to post. I could not sit up long enough. It has been two days since I used and I am not feeling totally depressed or fatigued which I feel so blessed. I prayed and prayed for that and I feel like GOD is saying I am giving you what you asked for so take this oppurtunity to heal. I go through the day craving. Mostly the morning and then it seems to thin. That is hard!!!!
Again thanks for the post.
I will say that in the past my husband did not exactly understand me when I said I did not feel well. Going to the restroom was a chore that I wopuld have to sit 20 min before I could get up and do it, and then I would sit for coulple of hours before I could get up and do things again. I couldn't really do anything . I was telling him(husband) I could not make dinner and call this person or take care of anything and it would stress me out when he said .... Do you need me to give the baby a bath or are you up for cooking dinner...so on and so forth.
I sat down and explained to him that I am not capable to do any of those things and when he asked out of what he thought was kindness it was not a help for me. This time he is just taking care of things with out asking and I know that he works all day but I do not feel guilty. I had to let go of the guilt if I wanted to be better. It is really helping me. He has offered to got to Na meetings but I have still to go to one. I feel so much better then the other times I tried to detox and I couldn't understand how the othe people that were detoxong were even able to post. I could not sit up long enough. It has been two days since I used and I am not feeling totally depressed or fatigued which I feel so blessed. I prayed and prayed for that and I feel like GOD is saying I am giving you what you asked for so take this oppurtunity to heal. I go through the day craving. Mostly the morning and then it seems to thin. That is hard!!!!
Again thanks for the post.