Keekee...sticking My Tounge Out

Who says south Texas has ugly looking water?
Yesterday....81 degrees,sunny,green water.Winter is awesome here.

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But... but... Is there not a picture of YOU, Tim, in the famed Elastomax Batwing?
ok Tim...................i am crying..........

the water is so so pretty...............
How beautiful
Next time, ask someone to take your picture Tim...tell them it's for us. I would love to see you surf! 81? It's just not fair. And I suppose it's in the 80's for KeeKee guys suck. lol
wow. Now you are getting close!

Gina-Are you talking about the famous Rip Curl 3:2 Elastomax Batwing with padded crotch and chest plate?

This is the only pic I have and I don't know how to enlarge it? That's my surfdog JoJo...

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Tim!!! Is that you? beautiful! I am so happy for you, I know you have been hurting these past few look! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!

I keep telling you! Its only a plane ride away! Oh and you, I know would love, love, love the meetings here!user posted image

Ok then..........

You get out there and ride! Ride while the riding is superb!
Hey kee-kee and Tim, Does it count if I am getting ready to ride my sled instead of a surf board? Getting ready to snow here again in Ct. Shantel
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Here, Lisa. Put away your magnifying glass.

Tim, I hope you'll note that I took the trouble to black out your license plate to protect your privacy.

Enjoy, girls!
Thanks Gina.That was a couple years back.I need to remember to take my camera.Those 1st pics were done by a local photographer.He obviously knows what he's doing.

KeeKee and Kerry........yall still win hands down.I'm just so proud when we have days like that.It makes up for the stagnant summer we have.Jelly fish,sea lice,and the fresh smell of crude.
Tim! You are a hunk of burning love!!! Bald becomes you!!! I don't many "white" men that can pull that off!

You can't beat how, no where! Trust me I have been many many sunny beachy far....Hawaii is the bomb. Not just because of the beauty of the Ocean...right Kerry? There is such an amazing peacefulness about these can't put that feeling into words....yet....I have tried but just can't describe it!

Gina! you are so bad!! heee heeee....
Purely in the interest of recovery, here's another for you, Kerri (note the Batwing fetchingly unzipped at the neck).



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Tim, What does JoJo do while you're in the water?
kee-kee, LMAO off at what you said about white men pulling off the bald look. Tim is one of the few I have seen do it. Shantel

Nice to finally see what you look like! You're a handsome man. May I ask a question? Ummm...what are "sea lice" ? Sounds gross, lol

Tim --Good god you are a nice looking guy.....mmm mmm mmm. Hope I am not out of line LOL. I couldn't help myself. Your looks are exceded only by your beautiful personality and great recovery talk!

*wink keep on surfin and sending those pictures.

You're dog is so damn cute! You're not so bad Thanks for sharing.

looking at your pics makes me relize how badly i need a tan!


do we need to go and find you a hot date?

Your pictures were beautifull, wish i could live there. I'll switch you sking for sun!! but that would mean that i would have to learn how to swim and so far that is impossible!

Alright ladies, Calm down and do some of Ginas breathing exercises. Shantel
LOL..... Pants o.k. I will back off. Am I that transparent?
