
I read your post in the other thread about Kearra...

Honey, don't future trip...enjoy today with her and when you worry about what's going to happen, it takes away from the moments in today and you need to enjoy all the moments with her...we don't know what tomorrow brings, none of us do but have faith and trust everything is going to be okay...

Another suggestion, call your sponsor & go to a meeting and share this with others....let them help you get through this....You are a beautiful spirit and it shows in your granddaughter....

Love ya,
You are so right Stacey!! I know that I shouldn't be doing this...I am so tense and out of sorts right now and I actually have not made a meeting all week!!

Actually it has been about 8 days maybe more! Hubby has been off Island and I just haven't made the time to get there...but thank you Stacey...I am going to the 10:00am women's meeting this morning. Wow, you know I perhaps wouldn't have thought about that if you didn't post this to me!

So strange how things just seem to "connect". We send and receive messages in so many different ways!

Your the best. I so appreciate your support and I know you are right! I shouldn't be projecting like that. I can't stop myself.....

I am picking up the phone right now! I am calling my sponsor....I really need to, I have been avoiding that as well. I am so grateful Stacey!

Thank about a beautiful spirit! Have you looked in your mirror lately? will see smiling back at you a wonderful women with so much beauty inside!!
