
Hi Kerry,
Awhile back I posted to you and wasn't very nice. I don't know what was going on and had no right to stick my nose in to it and just wanted to apologize to you and thank you for your support.
Thank you Briar...that made my day. I read your posts..and I think God kept you alive for a reason..
I know what you mean about the kids have seen things that I am not proud of either..
But they will love you no matter what...just don't let it eat you up...guilt is a waste of energy I was told...I still waste my energy there
And rehab isn't that bad....just look at it as a spa
Keep us posted..
Ker- The place I went in for rehab was no spa. It was more military than anything..
The rehab I was in made me feel so safe that they had to drag me OUT kicking and screaming. It wasn't a spa but it was a break from the real world where I didn't have to cook or clean and could focus on me and my recovery. No outside BS to deal with, just me. Selfish? Probably, but so needed. There are times when I wish I was still there. have grown so much, I'm so proud of you. Telling someone that you are sorry is the greatest gift we can give. Accepting that apology is the second. Way to go Kerry.

Hope all are having a better day than what mine is going to be.

I know Danny, and the community living...
I am just trying to get her
Even if it isn't the best place, Briar, it is a fresh start, and really the best thing that you could do for your kids...
Hugs to you,
Hugs to danny,
Hugs to everyone,
LB and CG, you both describe it pretty well. Briar, it's no easy run. BUT, it does give you a break to help you get well. I guess thats part of it. They won't beat you with baseball bat, but it's no picnic, like a lot of people think.