

I'm on my 6th day with no Lortabs - not as bad as last time - using
'The Thomas Recipe" that's posted on the Internet - supplements, some OTC,etc - Today is the blah day. I feel like I'm just creeping around. I just want to go back to bed. I can to that b/c my sons are grown and I just have 2 little inside dogs but I know that will just make me more depressed.
How did you get to where you are now? I have no energy whatsoever. I have been taking Lortabs on and off for almost 12 years - hiding it from my children, now 23 and 31. My husband knows and has done e'thing to help me but I have to do this myself. It is to the point to where they don't do anything for me anymore except make me sleepy. They used to give me energy and of course take away my pain. I have had Arthritids and Fibromyalgia since I was 34.
My family doctor at the time gave me an unlimited supply of Lortabs - I had no idea what I was getting into. My regular doctor was out of town and this doctor was taking his calls and I had a Migraine (don't have them anymore) this doctor called in 30 Lortabs 7.5 and he had never seen me - I thought this is wonderful b/c other family dr wouldn't give any strong meds and now I had a doctor who would give me s'thing for my Migraines (I had 4-5 a year) and then the Arthritis and Fibromyalgia came along - If I knew then what I know now I run have run like crazy. At some point I got up the nerve to change my records back to other Dr. At some point he referred me to Rheumotologist and they give me 120 Lortabs a month -not as many as the other doctor but too many.

I would just love to know how you got to where you were to where you are now. Could you make yourself get out/ walk around the block/ clean house/ cook?
I am honestly worthless when I'm in WD.
Thanks for listening.
dear sweet jean, congrats on this being 6 days clean of lortabs, its better than day 2?right?;) honestly, i am still struggling to get back to my (normal) self,and energy level. the lortabs gave me energy, i had a spotless house, errands complete, a child and husband that didnt have to do anything here at the house, cause superkim had it done already,well, times sure has changed.:)

my husband knew i had a love for lortabs, but was unaware of the extent and deception that took place to get daughter knew i took them from time to time, for endo,but knew nothing of me spending tons of money,lying where i spent the money,quick trips to get pills,she now knows more of the problem that i had, but i didnt go into every detail with her,being that she is 12, but i wanted and had to be honest, in order for me to really start recovery and and to start to work on loving myself again.

the first 2 weeks of recovery, were rough, after the physical w'd symptoms, i had major anxiety,panic,depression, i didnt leave my house for 2 or 3 weeks, i dont even remember,thats how bad i was, i felt like an alien,that i would always be like that,without lortabs,thinking it had caused some major brain damage,but with time, day by day, i got a little better, and my mental health improved as well. i still have days,like today, i look at the house, and hate it, and look at the mess, and get raged,thinking why is it all up to me?am i the only one that lives here? i also think, at 29, is cleaning and taking care of child husband all that i am good for? you are so not alone hun, i think being at home during recovery, like a stay home mom,houswife, makes us feel more alone,secluded,causing more mental issues during this stressful time, where almost anything can set you off.

i drink energy drinks,take vit b 12 sub, multivitamin, and i even tried energy pills, but i dont recommend that, they are not good for you,they made me jumpy,nervous,sick at stomach,faint, heart raced, so dont rely on those for the energy your wanting back, it will stick you back on the couch,feeling like crap,thats what it did for me.a good healthy diet is important for nutrition,i didnt rely on that much, i am a recovering anerxic,so after w/ds, i fell back into that for a while, i think trting to have control over something,but doing much better now with that.

please, dont be too hard on yourself, you are doing great.if the house gets backed up, so what, it will be there the next day and the next day,i finally realized house still looks like a train wreck,but im more important, i do what i can, i take breaks(Lots), and until my family decides to help more, i am not going to run myself in the ground with housework and chores. be selfish at this time, take time for you,whether it is a long hot bath,a book,a movie, sitting outside in the sun,go for an icecream cone,just something little that you enjoy.
im sorry that i did not respond earlier, i have a bad stomach virus or something,but ok.thank you for coming to me, i hope that i m able to help you,anytime you want to talk,have a question,or just want to vent, let me know,i am here for you.hugs to you...kimber:)
Oh and Kimber, I am taking B-6 - B-12 and B-1000 that melts under your tounge - gives you a little boost of energy - it's a little boost but I will take all I can get - haha

Love again,

PS I can relate to SuperMom - I could do it all while I was climbing the stairs in our other house and damaging my knees even more. The song "I Believe I Can Fly"
I believe I was flying. I just crashed at some point.
good afternoon jean, i wanted to check on you to see how you were doing today.:) kimber
Jean, I too have chronic pain (Fibro) and was diagnosed in June of 03 but had been taking pain pills when I had my period because it was so bad. I'm 46 years old and am going into Menopause now and I think alot of it has to do with the pain and abusing my body. I didn't think I would ever be able to live with fibro without pain pills because if you aren't in a flare you hurt anyway, just not as bad. I went to this pain clinic, taught by someone with chronic pain, and he believes you can go through this without the drugs. I went throught this program for 6 weeks m-f from 8:30-2:00 with physical therapy and mental therapy. They teach you alot about breaking the cycle of pain ( stress, fatigue and depression) and learn how to relax and work with your pain rather than against it. The 1st time I went through a flare without drugs, I wanted to die. But I worked the program and did everything they taught me and it took 3 days to get out of it and then 3 days to recover but then the next time I had one it didn't last as long. I also have learned to pace myself which has been very difficult for me, because i have always been doing 3 things at once. So, now I live with a messy house (most of the time) and don't go out and do as much. That was even worse than coming off the pills. But they weaned you really slow and my husband kept them. So after this lengthy post, I guess I saying you can live without meds and have chronic pain. Yes, it would be easier, but I got myself in a mess and I accept it. Also, they say it makes a big difference to give up sugar and when I did, I could tell, but slowly started eating the cookies and candy, so know I'm back on the "no sugar"diet, but it's not all "no sugar".

Thanks so much for asking - I am much better - but big thing now is energy or lack of it. I'm eating 2 bananas a day and a Potassium supplement and Amino Acids. I'm moving a little more every day. Just wish I could blink and my house would be spotless. I'm more of a picker-upper - which I am doing but it needs a good cleaning - oh well - that will just have to wait.

Oh and with the Fibro - my Rheu told me about a new drug study the last time I was there - it was so new - it was the 1st day the drug study people were there. It's non-addictive and supposed to be wonderful. You can't take any pain pills or sleeping pills while on this trial which is another reason for me to stay clean. I just hope I get the real pill. Half of the patients will get the real thing and the other half will get a placebo. My doctor said that the doctors won't even know who will get which one. I have nothing to lose - b/c I know now that I can no longer take pain pills and I so hope this works. I had about 8 hrs of all overpain 'til about 2 in the morning and I finally fell asleep which the Lortabs were getting to where they weren't working anyway and they got to where they always gave me a heck of a headache.
Also, thanks for the info re: Pain Clinics. I will check into them b/c like you say if you are not incapacitaed by a flare-up, you are in your normal hurting if that can be normal.

Let you go.
Have a great day!
Love, Jean
Kimber I just wanted to see how things are with you?Can you give me a update????mj