I do not know you but have read many threads that you have posted on. I am not terribly active here but come daily to get info and see how everyone is progressing. I am a peaceloving, honest, and moral person but am far from perfect. I strive to be kind and more importantly-- respectful of other human beings. One may say that this has nothing to do with me, but I would argue my motovation is to help the newcomer. What I am refering to is your response to cooked. She is new and you almost scared her away. It is not a matter of being honest. It is a matter of being respectful of other people. Perhaps you saw nothing wrong with your post, I would agree it was one of your milder ones. I can only assume that you are an unhappy person to have so much angst and judgement in your heart. You claim that you speak the truth and are just honest. I really do not want to dog on you and be a hypocrit, but I am curious what your motavations are when posting in a rather negitive way. You have posted many down-right hateful things at times. I am not terribly older than you but I honestly must say I am struck by you imaturity. I understand that you are going through a rough time and I truly hope you find some peace in your life. You are very young and have your life ahead of you. I am going out on a limb to give you some advise. I do not b**** at my husband because it is ugly and unattractive. If he does something that I find irritating or that I do not agree with I go to him in a respectful way and try to work it out or explain my point to him without belittling him. It is not always easy, often my first response is to tell him to go to hell, but I will not get anywhere with that and I find people are far more respectful to me in return. The world does not revolve around me and I sure don't know more than everyone I meet. I hope take time to understand what I am saying to you. We are all here for a reason and none of us have all the answers. We are all equal human beings. I could tell you more about myself that might make this more relavant but I do not want to bore you with the details. Good luck to you in your journey.
after re-reading this post to you I realize it sounds like a personal attack of you. That was not my intent. I am hoping that you might understand that it is probley never a good idea to be-little someone who is brand new and might get freaked out. If the true motavation is to help that person than this would seem obvious to me. I think you might be wired to act otherwise. I have seen more than one new-comer scared away here and that is a shame.
after re-reading this post to you I realize it sounds like a personal attack of you. That was not my intent. I am hoping that you might understand that it is probley never a good idea to be-little someone who is brand new and might get freaked out. If the true motavation is to help that person than this would seem obvious to me. I think you might be wired to act otherwise. I have seen more than one new-comer scared away here and that is a shame.
I did not take this as an attack on Kiwi. To me, it was right on the money.
Now, to Kiwi, I have tried to talk with you, have asked you questions, I have only been here since 5/31 and it's like you attack, so the new person will know who you are and then you go away until it's time to attack someone else.
You, as the rest of us have a big problem and our lives will forever be changed b/c of this disease. Some of us are in real physical pain, I really believe you are as am I, but we are all at this point addicts trying with everything we have to be recovering addicts. You have a lot to offer. For your sake as well as ours, I hope that you will be able to learn how to get your message out without coming across like a bitter know-it-all brat. I am old enough to be your Mother and if I heard my sons talk to someone like you do, even at their ages, I would say something to them. You talk fondly about your Father and I do pray for your Father as well as all of the people and their families in our forum. How would your Father re-act to the way you deal with sick people. We are not on this board, posting, telling things about ourselves that we had rather others not know to have a good time. I believe he would be very embarressed as a Father. I think he did a better job than that of raising you, you just drifted somewhere along the way and decided it's okay to hurt people with your words.
Just think about it: when you were in your 1st week of WD's, had someone jumped on you, would that have been helpful at all? I don't think that many of us to say the least have not been stung by your words.
I am sorry for everything you have had to go through in your young life but Kiwi, we didn't do it, we're not the enemy. I'm sure that all of us want to help you just as much as we need help. We were never promised sunshine everyday of our lives and I know from reading these posts, we have all had our difficulties. We can't get into a test of who hurts the most or who has the most problems, we all need help and that's why I'm so glad that I found this board. It has helped me more than anything else I have ever tried to stop taking those darn pills and if we help someone by telling our story, isn't that a blessing? Tell us yours, like I say, you do have a lot of knowledge re: this subject, just learn the right way to use your words.
Good luck to you,
Now, to Kiwi, I have tried to talk with you, have asked you questions, I have only been here since 5/31 and it's like you attack, so the new person will know who you are and then you go away until it's time to attack someone else.
You, as the rest of us have a big problem and our lives will forever be changed b/c of this disease. Some of us are in real physical pain, I really believe you are as am I, but we are all at this point addicts trying with everything we have to be recovering addicts. You have a lot to offer. For your sake as well as ours, I hope that you will be able to learn how to get your message out without coming across like a bitter know-it-all brat. I am old enough to be your Mother and if I heard my sons talk to someone like you do, even at their ages, I would say something to them. You talk fondly about your Father and I do pray for your Father as well as all of the people and their families in our forum. How would your Father re-act to the way you deal with sick people. We are not on this board, posting, telling things about ourselves that we had rather others not know to have a good time. I believe he would be very embarressed as a Father. I think he did a better job than that of raising you, you just drifted somewhere along the way and decided it's okay to hurt people with your words.
Just think about it: when you were in your 1st week of WD's, had someone jumped on you, would that have been helpful at all? I don't think that many of us to say the least have not been stung by your words.
I am sorry for everything you have had to go through in your young life but Kiwi, we didn't do it, we're not the enemy. I'm sure that all of us want to help you just as much as we need help. We were never promised sunshine everyday of our lives and I know from reading these posts, we have all had our difficulties. We can't get into a test of who hurts the most or who has the most problems, we all need help and that's why I'm so glad that I found this board. It has helped me more than anything else I have ever tried to stop taking those darn pills and if we help someone by telling our story, isn't that a blessing? Tell us yours, like I say, you do have a lot of knowledge re: this subject, just learn the right way to use your words.
Good luck to you,
In all honestly your first post was too long for me too read. I didnt feel like giving you 4 minutes of my time.
So whatever you posted.........Yes...................Ok.............Got it!...........Thanks.
In all honestly your first post was too long for me too read. I didnt feel like giving you 4 minutes of my time.
So whatever you posted.........Yes...................Ok.............Got it!...........Thanks.
Kiwi thats not the first time you used that too long line, why even be here if you cant help?
Hi Kiwi...I'll keep it short. Hope your pain is bearable and your dad is comfortable. God Bless you both...Beck