Hi friends,
I urinated 3 stones and I thought I would die. I have one saved for the Doctor. I don't have the kidney pain so much anymore just groin pain and that seems to be better right now. Hopefully that was all of them.
gina.............i am so glad you passed them............
take care of yourself.........
so sorry you had such a rough night............
take care of yourself.........
so sorry you had such a rough night............
Thank You. The amount of groin pain I have right now I can stand. If its even better tomorrow I'm telling my hubby I don't need them anyome. Being clean feels so much better.
I know how those feel. You'll get better.
ok...........lets talk kidney stones....
i would like to take some time to help those that dont really understand what kidney stones are.........
this ia the treatment that slave had............::::
Shock Waves
Your doctor can use a machine to send shock waves directly to the kidney stone. The shock waves break a large stone into small stones that will pass through your urinary system with your urine.
Two types of shock wave machines exist. With one machine, you sit in a tub of water. With the other type of machine, you lie on a table.
The full name for this method is extracorporeal (EKS-truh-kor-POR-ee-ul) shockwave lithotripsy (LITH-oh-TRIP-see). Doctors often call it ESWL for short. Lithotripsy is a Greek word that means stone crushing.
What do kidney stones look like?
Kidney stones may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl. Some stones are even as big as golf balls. Stones may be smooth or jagged. They are usually yellow or brown.

DO YOU SEE THE EDGES?...........sharp...
....the stones have to travel all the down those ureters and that is very painful....and then out of your pee pee hole.......
see that is why slave is complaing of GROIN pain.......
more info..........kidney stones
slave............please dont feel guility.........i been thinking and praying for you.
just focus on your health and gettin better.........
whatever you do..........be accountable and know that we all care about you.
i would like to take some time to help those that dont really understand what kidney stones are.........
this ia the treatment that slave had............::::
Shock Waves
Your doctor can use a machine to send shock waves directly to the kidney stone. The shock waves break a large stone into small stones that will pass through your urinary system with your urine.
Two types of shock wave machines exist. With one machine, you sit in a tub of water. With the other type of machine, you lie on a table.
The full name for this method is extracorporeal (EKS-truh-kor-POR-ee-ul) shockwave lithotripsy (LITH-oh-TRIP-see). Doctors often call it ESWL for short. Lithotripsy is a Greek word that means stone crushing.
What do kidney stones look like?
Kidney stones may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl. Some stones are even as big as golf balls. Stones may be smooth or jagged. They are usually yellow or brown.

DO YOU SEE THE EDGES?...........sharp...

see that is why slave is complaing of GROIN pain.......
more info..........kidney stones
slave............please dont feel guility.........i been thinking and praying for you.
just focus on your health and gettin better.........
whatever you do..........be accountable and know that we all care about you.
I hope you are feeling better now Slave...
Thumper, thanks for the information...I don't think I have ever passed the one that the dr found over a year ago...probably getting big enough to birth...lol
Thumper, thanks for the information...I don't think I have ever passed the one that the dr found over a year ago...probably getting big enough to birth...lol
merry christmas............my friend..........
here is another good site for you and for us to..............
My Webpage
merry christmas............my friend..........
here is another good site for you and for us to..............
My Webpage