Hey littlebeach. I just read your success story, I know it is a little old, but I was curious, how are you doing? I have 35 days free of the same disease.
Hey there, Felica. My sobriety date is still March 13 2005. It feels good to say that...
35 days is so huge. Pat yourself on the back; those first days were the hardest. It will get better, and you should be so proud of yourself.
Did you come off of vics and beer? Are you doing it cold turkey?
It is an amazing thing that I don't even think of beer; even on the holidays. I don't even crave anymore; I never ever ever ever thought that would happen.
How are you doing? If you ever want to chat, fire away....I just got done with the semester, so I should be here a bit.
35 days is so huge. Pat yourself on the back; those first days were the hardest. It will get better, and you should be so proud of yourself.
Did you come off of vics and beer? Are you doing it cold turkey?
It is an amazing thing that I don't even think of beer; even on the holidays. I don't even crave anymore; I never ever ever ever thought that would happen.
How are you doing? If you ever want to chat, fire away....I just got done with the semester, so I should be here a bit.
Thanks for responding little beach, I was on vics, and I did a 10 day stay at a dextox center. I have been feeling really good, but the last 2 weeks were upand down,does that make sense. When I hit my 10 days, I felt really good, but I think that I wasexcited that I was going home and going home clean and that lasted for about a week, and then it was up and down, one day I felt great and the next day I did not feel well and was very sluggish. For the past two days I have felt great.
36 days
36 days
How long were you taking vics? I was taking them for 3 years, everyday, and my adrenal glands were SHOT. I got something at the health food store called Adrenal Plus, and it helped me so much with energy. I know that feeling....also, any vigorous exersize you can muster will help your body get better.
When the thoughts start creeping in, remember to tell on your disease. Call someone and talk about it. That was one mistake I had; I thought it was supposed to be easy and I was supposed to be okay; I never opened up.
Congrats and keep on going..
When the thoughts start creeping in, remember to tell on your disease. Call someone and talk about it. That was one mistake I had; I thought it was supposed to be easy and I was supposed to be okay; I never opened up.
Congrats and keep on going..
Ya, I was on them for six years and I was bad, So far I have not really had any urges, I'm still high on a sober life.
Thanks for the info on the vitamins, I will check into it, I have been taking a multi-vitamin and those seem to help.
36 days
One day at a time!
Thanks for the info on the vitamins, I will check into it, I have been taking a multi-vitamin and those seem to help.
36 days
One day at a time!
keep on going!! It gets better and better.