someone once said to me 'one can have many friends, many acquaintences, and still feel lonely'. I was taken aback, because the individual who said it striked me as very popular, very successful, very self-asssured...
Addiction happens for many, many reasons, but I feel one of them is loneliness, and admittedly - although I have many friends, some I am trying to avoid - bless - because they do not help my addiction scenario, I still feel lonely.
Perhaps loneliness is the reason we have visited this site in the first place? To find others who are like-minded, to talk & try to be honest, but it is difficult, because we hide (well, I do) behind all the real feelings, because we feel no-one would understand, and it is embarassing, humiliating.
Anyway, just a thought.
Please dont get the wrong impression, I am not some crazy hermit, x
Well, spaghetti, I've been trying to steer you to more populated and responsive boards for a few days now and the only thing I can tell you is that you are going to stay lonely on thie site if you don't start posting on a board people actually read and respond on like Pain Pills (the busiest) and Alcohol (also fairly steady and with good recovery going on). If you want a good chat or a busy thread, start talking to peeps on one of those. Can't say I didn't try...
Peace ~ MomNMore
Peace ~ MomNMore
Momnmore I think spaghetti is not really talking about friends in chat rooms but in real life.
I saw with my son that he got very lonely. And it was very important tohave friends but his frienda always turn out to dissapoint him or give him druggs. I have a lot of collegues and people I know but non is my refriends because a friend in need is a frien d indeed and u don't get many of those even these
People that have so called best friends they don't always turn out to be year best friend
For those few that do have true friends you are fortunate and treasure those friends
Spaghjetti don't give up we never really alone find one special person even if it is in family or if u can go ot and help at homeless centres ort old age homes or any thing like that thoe people r always willing to listen and they are what u see no pretence and there is no better joy as giving of yrself u will receive somuch joy back
I saw with my son that he got very lonely. And it was very important tohave friends but his frienda always turn out to dissapoint him or give him druggs. I have a lot of collegues and people I know but non is my refriends because a friend in need is a frien d indeed and u don't get many of those even these
People that have so called best friends they don't always turn out to be year best friend
For those few that do have true friends you are fortunate and treasure those friends
Spaghjetti don't give up we never really alone find one special person even if it is in family or if u can go ot and help at homeless centres ort old age homes or any thing like that thoe people r always willing to listen and they are what u see no pretence and there is no better joy as giving of yrself u will receive somuch joy back
never give up mom: Thank you. I wrote when I was feeling particularly lonely, and it is horrible when your realise you have lots of 'friends' but no one you can really pick up the phone and talk to. Anyway, somedays are better than others and I am being positive - decided to look for a part-time job etc. Anyway, thanks again, appreciated.
IMO I tried to look within and understand what I wanted out of life, I found a mad philosophy book called the Tao te ching its not heavy you sort of read you own meanings into it, it helped me loads
Real easy reading HONESTLY just type in Tao Taoism or Dao Daoism and have a look it might help
If a man speaks or acts with a pure heart joy will follow him as his own shadow
Real easy reading HONESTLY just type in Tao Taoism or Dao Daoism and have a look it might help
If a man speaks or acts with a pure heart joy will follow him as his own shadow