Looking For Rhonda

Worry when I don't see Rhonda about.

Plus I need to find out what to feed chickens in case I get some.

Rhonda, you well?
How's about Kat as well.............her computer totally fritz out?

Hope not..........I miss her humor I do.
Bryn, she must be out cleaning the poop off the eggs...our farmer girl, so proud of her, cause I know what work that can be. I'm trying to remember what my MIL used to feed the chickens, surely some kind of feed, but she used to give them veggies and stuff too.

I've seen Kat post a few times, you get kind of limited on posting when it's not your computer, I know when my hard drive went out I hated being up in my husband's pc room, too small and hot. His computer was alot slower than mine too.

Check in ladies!
Hey Bryn! Long time no talk! Hi to you too, Janet.
I'm bumming my dil's computer until mine is fixed. I have no idea how a video card goes out of an almost new computer but mine did.
Chickens are gross. (sorry, Rhonda, lol) When we first moved to this God forsaken place my son decided he wanted to raise chickens. I would never, ever eat a yard chicken. Disgusting is not even the word for those creatures. They eat bugs, s***, potato peels, you name it. Even worse, they will eat each other and even their own body parts. A hen will kill another hen's babies, just being creepy, I guess. They never shut up until the sun goes down. If you try to pick up one of the cute, fuzzy little chicks, or even get to close to one, the Mother hen will attack you. Chicken attacks are not pleasant. They jump on your head and try to peck your eyes out or anything they can get to. Watching them mate isn't a pretty sight either. It's animal rape, pure and simple. The rooster holds the hen down and she is far from happy about it. Coyotes picked off our chickens one by one until they were all gone. No one did much grieving over this, lol.
You sure you want chickens, lol?
I knew this lady who had a chicken house like Rhonda's. I went over there one day to see what it looked like. You open the door and there is wall to wall chickens, not an inch in between them. (we're talking thousands of them) She waded right in there. I would not. I was half assed certain they were going to peck her to death.
Rhonda, you're a brave woman. You have my utmost respect.
I thought you were a city girl, Bryn? Where are you going to put these creatures? >grin<
The only reason I would want a chicken is to eat the fire ants here. Soon as it warms up their hills start popping up. They are vicious insects and swarm you if you step on them. Freaking bites hurt and then itch when the poison blisters up on you. I wanted some geese but hubby said they will travel out of their way to come and poop on your porch. So I just have my little cardinals, sparrows, black capped chickadees and finches, or at least I think that's what they are, I need a bird book. I like to sit out and watch them all jump into the bird feeder. We have some ducks that nest down near our creek, but I've gotten to the point I'm too afraid of the snakes to go walking down there. We have 3 acres fenced off for the house and I stick to that area, though found a baby copperhead on my front porch one day. Oh to live out near the creek! When I lived up north of course I called it a brook, but had to adjust cause of the critters LOL
Hey ladies. I had quite an eventful night and morning.....I'm very upset! I am going to post about it in a min. I wasn't in the chicken houses this time.....

Bryn it was no nice to log on and see this post....I needed that! You are probably wondering why....well, its simple....it's nice to see that somebody cares!

That goes for you Janet and Kat as well. Thanks!

When we first got the houses I was scared to go in there too Kat. When you walk in all those beady little eyes are watching you. I was walking down the middle picking up floor eggs...I was about half way down and turned around to look and every chicken house in there was following me...........Talking about eerie!!!!.......I got the hell out of there quick. I am used to them now and it doesn't bother me, but it took a while.

Well, I'm going to post about my night now, it will take me a little while!!! Thanks and love you guys!!!
I was told the chicken would eat ticks too. The dogs got them anyway. Seven dust is much quieter, lol. You can have the woods, Janet. I'm out of here.I relish the idea of never giving snakes, bugs, or wild beasts a second thought. I felt a little sentimental about giving up the land at first but now I can't wait. Even the kids are excited. When we bought this place we thought all the kids would grow up and move out here one day. Nothing could be further from the truth. All of them hate it.
What's wrong, Rhonda?
I just posted a thread about it Kat. Thanks