Lord Please Help Me

hi everyone I am a recovering heroin addict havent touched the stuff since I got out of prison dec.2003, I cant stop percs., vicodin, klonophin, hell anything good lol, has anyone heard of teen challenge???????? terri
Hi Barbie,

You've come to the right place! Do you have a Dr that can help you? How much are you taking?? Good luck and keep posting.


Better is right. We have all been through the same hell you are going through. You will get help and support here. Whats you story? How long ? how many ?

Happy you're here

Are you talking about teen challenge the outdoor program? I have worked with juvenile offenders for 25 years and know several different programs, if you could be more specific. How are you feeling and what have you been taking?
I'll say a prayer for you,
Nope haven't heard of the teen challenge but wanted to say Welcome to the board. Hope to hear more of your story. How long have you been on the pain pills? Rae

Where did you go?... We want to help you.

Teen Challenge is a great Christian recovery place. I think it is like a year program, you have to totally change your life. My uncle knows some of the directors here in the state i am in. They have like over a 90 % success rate. Can't talk now, will be back later.