Mesuzie, How Was Day One?

Just wanted to check and see how day one of cold turkey went for you. Hopefully, you are relaxing, but most likely not. If you need to talk or anything, yell, scream, whatever, just post and people will be there for you.
Just remember, today was the first day of your new life. It will get better and you are doing a great thing for yourself and your family.
I know this morning you felt like people didn't care, so this post is to let you know I (and we) do care and want to support what you are going through. Keep up the good work!
I received your email. thank you, i really mean that. Finding you was one of the best things I have done, Since it has helped you even a tiny bit, I will always forever feel that way.
I hope your first day wasn't too bad. Get past day 4 and things will start looking up.
How is your husband taking this quitting news? Does he support you or does he know...?

Love you girl, and I am here for you
Hey Suzie,

Getting through day one is huge....hang in there

hope that you have taken the advice re coming off of benzos, didnt see if your sleeping med was a benzo or not....but if it is please dont cold turkey it..

