Since I started posting here, I have wanting to talk about this subject. I just came off methadone in Sept., and feel that I should share my experience with people on methadone or thinking of going on it. I know some people use methadone for legitimate pain reasons and that is not what I am talking about.
I started using lortabs about 6 years ago. I have a pinched nerve in my back. At first I just took one every now and then and eventually ended up abusing them. I was taking anywhere from about eight to fifteen 7.5mg pills a day. I even went through rehab twice. Both times it was only a 5 day program. Funny thing is, when I was in rehab both times I never had any real feelings of w/d. I left both times feeling like I had conquered my addiction. The problem was that although my body had detoxed, I never got therapy to deal with the emotional aspects of addiction. I would probably have benefited greatly from a 28 day program.
I always got my pills from my doctor. He over prescribed. Sometimes, I would go to the dentist or an urgent care if I ran out early. I guess I thought my addiction wasn't that bad because I never bought pills off the street. I was in denial. Addiction is addiction there is no "better" or "worse" addiction. I know that now.
After I broke my foot in Sept. 2002, I was back on lortabs. Finally in February 2003, I couldn't live with the guilt and depression. I hated myself. I went to my psychiatrist and expected him to send me back to rehab. Instead he told me I needed to go on methadone. He said he would no longer see me as a patient if I didn't start on methadone immediatly. My husband nor I had ever heard of methadone before. I should have done my research. I should have talked to people at the methadone clinic. Instead, I just took my Dr.'s word for it and started going to the methadone clinic. They start you off on 30mg a day and let you go up 5mg a day until you hit 60mg. From there you tell your counselor if you need an increase in your dose. It's that easy. You just tell them and they raise your dose 10mg more. You can go up to 150mg and then you have to have blood work done. If everything comes back okay, you can go up to 250mg. At my highest I was at 90mg. I felt better then ever. But then I decided to start coming down. They will only let you come down 2 or 3mg a week. So, needless to say, it takes a long time to come down. After a year and a half I was down to 11mg. I went cold turkey from there. It was so much harder then any of the many times I went cold turkey from the lortabs. I feel like I wasted almost 3 years of my life. I ended up trying to get off lortabs by going on a much stronger drug, methadone.
Anyone who is on methadone, I am not trying to discourage you. You can get off it but it will take a while. To anyone thinking of going on it, I strongly encourage you to do your research and talk to others who have experience with methadone.
Many people on this board talk about suboxan. I don't know anything about it, but from what I've read from people who are on it, it is a much better alternative then methadone. I hope I can help at least one person by telling of my experience with methadone.
Hi Shelly,
I too abused Lortabs for several years and began to take Methadone just to get high. That was a huge mistake. The wd's from my 8 week usage were absolutely horrible. Way more painful than detoxing from Hydrocodone. I have been clean from all drugs since June and would agree with you on methadone usage. One should seriously concider other alternatives as the recovery from the wd's are very tough. I was never aware of how it was distributed by dr's or detox centers. Thanks for the information.
I too abused Lortabs for several years and began to take Methadone just to get high. That was a huge mistake. The wd's from my 8 week usage were absolutely horrible. Way more painful than detoxing from Hydrocodone. I have been clean from all drugs since June and would agree with you on methadone usage. One should seriously concider other alternatives as the recovery from the wd's are very tough. I was never aware of how it was distributed by dr's or detox centers. Thanks for the information.
I went thru withdrawls from 60mg of meth that I drank for two years. I got locked up and didn't sleep for 33 days. The anxiety was brutal.
I also had gotton off of methodone in Sep., Sep. 20 was my last dose, I never felt better in my life.
I second everything said.. I've been free for only a week but tapering over the past 5 weeks. Another great benefit to getting off this stuff, you lose weight ... lost 15 lbs pretty fast and yes I do feel better than ever. I regret the methadone and i'm thankful since I may not be alive if I had continued with the other drugs.
I agree I just joined this site and last Monday started methadone to help me come off of loritabs I started at 30 mmm and went down every day 5mm for a week I took my last dose on Sunday and have felt rough ever since but I am not sure how long I will feel this way but the feeling of beeing clean and the desire keeps me going every day if there is anything you know that I can take let me know ?