
Are you out there? Has anyone heard from her?
I talked to her via IM last week, she's still a bit depressed, money is still very tight and she still hasn't gotten her phone back on. She's doing all right though, the depression isn't as dark as it has been. I keep my IM open daily hoping to talk to her. Wish I had more to update.
Just tell her that I'm thinking about her... thanks.
Janet,please tell her im thinking of her too. Im totally out of touch with whats been going on.But i do miss her too.Thanks~KIM
Hello ladies...Im sorry Ive been out of touch.Annes laptop has been acting messed up n todays the first day that i have actually gotten online with her LT.

Yes I do talk with Janet Im when I can.

The depression is pretty bad right now.However at least I know why.
Its been 2 weeks since Ive had my Lamictal.See I started that about 1 mth ago to "add on"with my Effexor.Well we know how insurences can be..paperwork,approvals.Its starting to really miff me because I can feel the difference.Hopefully that will be taken care of today.HOPEFULLY.
I hope everyone is doing well.Lisa I havent even been able to keep up with whats going on with Jake.Ill probaly check that post next.I hope to read "good things"I worry about both Jake & Lisa.As a mom who has had issues with her kids I know that heartbreak & all the baggage that comes with it.I think I even said..I would probaly do what Lisa is doing N keep in contact.
Speaking of kids...Anne is doing well.She finally decided on her major & is hitting it with both feet
She will be majoring in art.Her teacher sees real potential in her.She still thinks of modeling,however she knows that modeling is a fleeting thing.So she wants to have something strong as a major.
Wow this looks like a book.LOL
Beings IO finally got online Ill be here for a bit if anyone would like to chat.
Kimber Id love to hear how your doing.Isnt this weather GREAT!!! I think this Sat Ill get down on the river.I dont sleep at night anymore so it should be easy to get on the river by 5

thanks you for asking for me...Believe it or not ...just someone asking about me helps lift the gloominess
love to all
Just stopping in to say Hi MJ and I missed you too!

I hope all is well and everything gets straightened out with your insurance :)

I will send you an email and I hope you do the same.
Brina, if you are still around, I'm on IM now