
well how are you this fine day just remember "this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it" i pray that this day finds you well and eager to keep on keeping on. don't let anything or anyone stand in the way of a great day!!!!!! where in ny are ya from my wife's mother and family are from a little town upstate called oneonta they are a great bunch of people. as a matter of fact she went up there this past summer, i had to work, go figure huh. i hope you got my e-mail it was a ling one so i'll never remember all i wrote. but if you didn't get it i will write again..
well i guess i'll see ya little sis ( by the way i know i ain't suppose to do this but what is your age, mine is 45, see i don't really care)
sending lots of love
Hi my brother I am 37 yeard young.I live in a little town by Saugerties Ny(1994 Woodstock)My day has started well enough excet my one kitty keeps stealing things off my tree.I swear they act human and I treat them as such.I did recieved my email I showed my boyfriend cause at first he thought something strange was going on.After he read it he was like ok.He always thinks I'm gonna walk away from him.We have been through alot these past 4 years(my dad dien his brother)I could go on and on.I feel hes the one ya know?Anyways if you can get that book you mention to me it would be a great place to start.I don't know where I will end up with my search on the higher power,but at least now I have more of an open mind to it.Thank you johnny you are very sweet to me and my words can't explain how special you make me feel....mj
you know that you'll always have a special place in my heart, as for your boyfriend tell him not to worry, if he saw me i am sure that he has no competition there, and anyway i already have a beautiful wife and 3 wonderful daughters i wouldn't sacrifice for the world, i have already tried the stupid stuff and my wife took me back and you can bet your life i'll never go that route again but you are just like a sister to me and i am not a pervert, as a matter of fact i was an on staff associate pastor for 4 years till i resigned because my addiction problem got the best of me. i have a legit pain problem i'll tell ya about one day when you have a year to hear. so the pills got the best of me at that time and i resigned for the betterment of the church. so i ain't a pervert, but i am programmed by God to help people, it is just some people touch me more than others and one of those is you so tell him that he is lucky to have you and to be there to help you become stronger not just for you but for him also
sending you lots of love
Oh johnny I really look up to you and you seem to know soooo much.As for my boyfriend he is fine with this.I think eveyone at one point in time feels insecure about their other half.And I REALLY REALLY didn't like to hear you down yourself(if he seen me)You I am sure are beautiful both inside and out,You are my friend and I'm so lucky to have you as such.mj
Good morning Johnny !
I wanted to thank you
for posting me. It a
pleasure to talk to you
morning marina
i am so lucky to find so many friends on this board you guys are great.
love ya lots
We love you too johnny at least I'm starting to feel a love bond with you.I think I'm gonna wander out to my kitchen and start some baking.I will keep my board up and check in...hope you have a nice day until later take care....mj
actually i am a pretty good looking dude. kinda a cross btween roger moore and pee wee herman ha ha just joking, but i am a prettu good looking dude
love johnny
Molly have fun some for me please I am putting it off as usual. But I have dinner in the oven at 10:21....go figure!
I take it theres no conseate in your got it all.HEHE I made a funny!!!As I said I belive you must be a beautiful man.Theres a difference between hansom and beautiful.Just like theres a difference between beautiful and I'd rather be cute I can get away with more things.Oh you know not to get off track but last night I went to my daughters concert...OH MY GOSH as I was watching her I was SHOCKED to see her do these little movements that I do,like you know the hair sweep and the little nod I'll give,it was creepy like seeing me a much smaller and prettier me up there.mj
people i was just kidding i am by no means anything i said i was so please dont't crucify the joker ******lmao*****
but i really do love you guys alot
You are a silly silly man but that is part of your charm...mjI'm off to start some cookies I will check in in alittle while...mj
if your cookies turn out as sweet as your personality they will be wonderful. you have a real lucky man!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You I sometimes wish I had the knowledge and $$$ to start a food place because not to brag but I am a very good cook I'm just learning the baken cookies but boy I make a mean ziti,stuffed pork chops You name it.Your wife is very lucky too.I wish I could send you some cookies for you & yours.mj
Molly, come to my house...I need more
I just wanted to jump in on the love fest...
Yeah you sound like your lost in the 60s are you lb?
hey is johnny around?if so I just wanted to say hi.I know soon you'll be heading home to you lovely wife and soon my little one will be walking in from school.So I just wanted to say have a very nive evening talk to you soon I hope ....mj
yea i am still here had to make a run for the job for about 3 hrs but am back and catching up and yes it is about time to log off i must go home and go get my mid week dose of the holy ghost be cool and remember it's not what you do it is who ya know
with the purest kinda love
Take care my friend until we speak again.I will probaly send you a email sometime tonite or tomarrow.YOU have a GREAT night ok....mj