Motivating Mom

how can i mptivate her to stay off, while at the same time let her know that she shouldnt feel guilty if she trys and fails?
I'm not sure what to tell ya', but, I'll tell my experience.
My father is a recovering alcoholic. He didn't want me to have the childhood I did even when he was actively drinking. He loved me then as he does now.
Nothing I could have said or done would have made him stop. Sure I tried, but it can't ( as far as I know ) be successfully done unless the alcoholic or addict wants it.
So my advice would be to let her know you love her on a daily basis.
If she tries and fails, just tell her you love her. If she does fail the first or how ever many times, it's not really failing, it's just she wasn't ready yet.
I use my kids and wife as motivation to stay clean and sober, but I do it for me.
I always have loved my wife and kids, but I refused to see what I was doing to myself and those around me while I was caught in the grip of addiction. Because I'm an addict and alcohlic, doesn't mean I didn't love my family.
Anyway, I think the best you can do is always let her know you love her.
And there is support groups for adult children of addicts or alateen or alonon, and naronon. The best you can do for her is take care of yourself.
Hope this helped.......Take care.................God bless.......................Bob
Hey, my name is Cassie...My mom is a user and an alcoholic. I totally understand how you feel. It's hard for me to constantly support her but that's really what she needs, even though it's tough. My advice to her, is to let her know how much you love having her sober and clean and what it means to you. Tell her that you are happy she's clean and everything..and when she's tried and failed, keep telling her that, and also let her know that it doesn't matter how many times she fails, it just matter that she keeps trying and doesn't give up and that you will help her in any way you can. That's what I keep doing...and it works for me, hopefully that helped you in some small way.
Tell me how things go please. God bless!
brokenangel, thank you.
thats what i basically try to do, also.
thanks for being there.
Hey, no problem! I hope I helped you some! Plz keep me updated on how things go, okay? :)
God bless and Good luck!