Mrjer...please Read

I was thinking of your post this morning and wanted to share this number with you.I'm leaving again but want you to know that you don't have to do this alone.
Someone will be more than happy to talk with you and put you in touch with someone in your area.

World Service Office.......18187739999

.......Just be honest when you call.No one is going to judge you and it's anonymous.
I saw that you took off work so this would be a great chance to do something today.

Step One...."We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction.that our lives had become unmanageable."

Good Luck my friend.

"Life acquires meaning
When we face the conflict
Between our desires
And reality."
wow... that signature .
"Life acquires meaning
When we face the conflict
Between our desires
And reality."

really hits the nail on the head for me today.. and it is sooo true for me right now and in my general nature. thanks...

The phrase I tend to repeat over and over for me and to others is simply, Let Go and Let the beginning, I couldn't grasp this until I read a defination of Letting Go...

Letting Go is a willingness to allow whatever happens to happen without defining the outcome....

Thanks for letting me share....
ps...It's good to see you here today Teresa and today I am grateful to spend some time reading your words and see you opening up and letting go...<smile>
Life acquires meaning
When we face the conflict
Between our desires
And reality"

That is some quote. Who said that?

Have a good one --Jeff
"Just as water must be able to express its true nature in a relentless way,so too must we simultaneously and relentlessly express out true natures if we are to be successful in life."

Sounds like the Tao....
It just makes sense to me...
Thanks guys.You are right LB.Its from the Tao meditation book,"365 Tao,Daily Meditations by Deng Ming-Dao".
Awesome book.It fits right into recovery.
Same as Wayne Dryer's stuff.
Good to see you Teresa,Jeff and Stacey.

Stacey-I don't think you can let go of anything until you firmly believe that you never had control of it in the first place.

One of the main obstacles I see on here and in the program with new people is not the fear of withdrawls but what is my life going to be without pills?

If getting rid of some horrible disease like cancer only required 3-4 days of physical illness,who wouldn't be willing to go through that?I bet no one would think the w/d's were that bad.
I just think the fear of w/d's is a smokescreen.It's really the fear of living a new life without any chemicals.It was for me.
Until I really believed a Higher Power had always been looking after me and was not out to punish me,I couldn't grasp any of these simple promises.

Don't you ever wish you could reach down inside and just give away a little piece of something to stop the pain?
Unfortunately,it's experiential.
That was my turning point Tim...I was afraid of dying but more afraid of living...I had no social skills, just a very frightened child living inside me that was clinging to life by threads....I remember so very clearly being through the physical part of the w/d's but not knowing how to deal with all these feelings that were coming up....I still had that impending doom in the pit of my stomach and I was driving to work and I broke and as quite simply as this, I prayed "please God help me I cannot do this alone" and that very day a miracle happened, I reached out for help from Teresa and she grabbed my hand and I was no longer alone...and today, I can look back and see I have never been in control of anything, my HP whom I call God, has been with me the whole time, even when I do create huge, I try not to let anybody, anything, anyplace get between me & my is that simple for me....
posted by Tim


If getting rid of some horrible disease like cancer only required 3-4 days of physical illness,who wouldn't be willing to go through that?I bet no one would think the w/d's were that bad.I just think the fear of w/d's is a smokescreen.It's really the fear of living a new life without any chemicals.It was for me.
Until I really believed a Higher Power had always been looking after me and was not out to punish me,I couldn't grasp any of these simple promises.

That is it!!!!! I get to see cancer patients in the halls everyday. If even two weeks feeling bad was all it took, there would be a mob here. And if you think opiate withdrawal makes one sick, I dare, just dare, anyone to try some of the chemotherapy drugs that are used (though it is getting much better). They would be begging for opiate withdrawal...... You don't lose your hair......
amazing posts you guys!!!

mr jer --- what do ya think??

you can do this!!!!!!!!!