Music For Healing

Hello Folks. It is me back again with a new thread. Hope you are all well and doing good.


Hello Folks. Hope you are doing well . Never give up Hope
Hello Everyone. Hope you are all well. Take care, stay safe and never give up Hope..

Yet Not I
Hello Everyone. Let there be hope, let their be light , let their be sobriety...

All my ways are known
Hello folks. Hope you are doing well. Just popping in to bring some Hope and encouragement to anyone who might need it. Take care and stay safe and do your best to live sober. It has more rewards than the alternative. Don't give up
Hello Everyone. Hope you are well and winning the battle. There is always HOPE, there is always faith and there is always help when we are willing .One thing is for certain though is we cannot do it on our own..
Hi Everyone. Wishing you all the best in your recovery journey. If you are struggling never give up Hope there are many of us who are living miracles and proof that sobriety is possible.

Help me find it..
Hi Everyone. I am grateful for this site for it was here I began my recovery journey that led me to a sober life. I hope you are all well and doing ok. I just come back here from time to time to pass along Hope and encouragement to those who might need it.There is a solution and there is life after addiction..

Abide with me..
Hello Everyone. Sharing a song with you and hope that it will bring a feeling of comfort to those who can use it. This planet can be an unfair and a cruel place to live but life can be Beautiful

Here I am Lord
Hello Everyone. Hoping you are well and safe. If you are struggling with addiction please remember there is hope and a solution. Also remember that those of us who have achieved sobriety we have been where you are. We are the proof that willingness, faith and recovery work can help you find a new sober way to live.

Graves into gardens
Hi Everyone. Hang in there and try and not sweat the small stuff. One thing I have learned in my lifetime is that it goes on...

Wake up..
Hello everyone .Hope today will be a good one for you all . When the pain of addiction becomes too great to bear there is a solution ,there is a way , there is hope and healing

I Believe
Hello Everyone. Another Day almost over where I live but it is another sober day lived! For that I am truly grateful.

Cannot say enough
That's cool. Thanks a lot bro.
Hello everyone. Today is a new day with new beginnings. You can always start over if you have stumbled. There is healing , strength and courage for all who persevere ..

You are my strength!
Hello Everyone. Hope you are safe, sober and happy . If you are none of these things then don't give up and keep holding on for the miracle that will come..
Hi folks. Today is a new day! Hope you will choose to spend it wisely. keep the faith, hold onto hope and be willing to do whatever it takes with an open mind to recover. There is life after addiction and it can be yours!

Hello Everyone. Today is my 63rd Birthday. I am grateful to have lived long enough to find out there is a life after addiction. I have the pleasure of being a grandma to 4 wonderful grandchildren whom I love with all my heart and soul and I am loved back! There is power in love, there is power in faith , there is power in hope and there is power in gratitude . I will be forever
Hello Everyone. Wishing you a life that you deserve . Even if you think it is impossible..
Yesterday I celebrated my 10th sobriety Birthday.. There is HOPE, there is a SOLUTION.. AND THERE IS LIFE AFTER ADDICTION..