My Counselor Disclosed My Session To A Ff

My counselor disclosed what I discussed with her to a family friend. I am currently in a recovery program but the person they disclosed the information to was not a person that I wanted to know about things. Are they allowed to disclose this information? My treatment has taken a hit due to this hiccup. Thanks!
I know I need to talk to people about my recovery (8 weeks now) but now every knows due to this phone call which is hurting me.
Hi - I believe the professional staff can only discuss your case with some you when you have signed a release to allow them to discuss it. This is a hiccup. there may be more hiccups down the road. Treat it as such. Learn a lesson. tell the counselor you do not want any information repeated to anyone else and if someone is asking, to tell you who is asking and what information they are asking about so you can talk to them directly. the counselor should not have been talking to the other person. they should not even disclose whether or not you have had a counseling session. If the counselor is too close to family members, you should find some else. I can see how this might happen when good intentioned family members are trying to help you and are concerned about you, but they need to step back and respect your journey.

be more careful of what you are telling to whom. decide how you want to handle these situations as a mature person. maybe the counselor did not tell as much information as you think. maybe the Ff embellished or guessed or knew information from some other method and put all the blame on the counselor. Of course the counselor should have not given any information.

perhaps speak directly to the counselor and if she is not able to keep information confidential, find another counselor.

try I have looked at the website, but not used their services. I am a family member. It might be worth it to join in order to have a secondary form of support when a live person that you trust is not available.

Don't let other people's hiccups get in your way. We all have embarrassing and hurtful things happen to us at the hands of other people. although it can not be avoided, you can be accountable for your actions. your actions of how you react.
I say get that counselor in trouble. Unless you signed a release of information and that person's name is on the form then there's nothing you can do. But if that person's name wasn't on the form then that counselor had just crossed a very bad line and he or she can get in trouble for doing so.!
Please keep us posted.!
It might be beneficial to hear the other side of the story prior to putting together a Mob for Retaliation.
I also have it on pretty good experience that when I'm offended, it's because there may be a kernel of truth within, but my ego's far too fragile to accept criticism. If I sit around waiting to be offended, I will find a new person to live rent-free in my head in an instant.
This sounds like a job for, "The Principles," and a Spiritual Awakening.
you have a lawsuit. unless you gave permission she violated your rights. HIPAA protects us and our privacy. get a lawyer and change therapist.
Truth, skg. As you often are.

You are right that there are often two sides to a story. But there are a few absolutes in this world and disclosing confidential medical information to other individuals without explicit permission seems to fall into that category. Still, it will help the original posters (OP's) recovery to discuss this with his therapist or counselor. Maybe what was disclosed was a mistake and maybe the OP signed a document at intake allowing this disclosure that he doesn't remeber or did not carefully read or maybe not. If the OP is still not satisfied and the person at issue is not a sole practitioner, take it up the chain of command, and if the OP is still dissatisfied, reaching out to the U.S. DHHS to make a HIPPA complaint and finding another counselor or therapist.

Also, you are right that part of our upsetedness can stem from being confronted with an uncomfortable truth, especially thin-skinned newcomers. It can also come from a misperception or even a legitimate reason to be upset. I, as you, suspect that the information wrongfully disclosed is upsetting to the OP and that he may not be ready to share that information just yet. But it is the therapists or counselors conduct and the negative effect on the OP that is at issue.

Note, that often times things, even negative things, happen for a reason and the ultimate result may be beneficial to the OP. Or it may be a lessen in anger management.