My Dad Is Gone...

He passed peacefully in his sleep this afternoon around 3pm and I can't imagine a world without him in it...he was such a presence (for better or for worse) larger-than-life. Later on I'll tell his story...our story.

Thanks, friends, for keeping us in your prayers as I know you will without even asking.

Love ~ M&M
Mom - I'm sorry for your loss. I will keep your family in my prayers.
I'll say a prayer for you and yours right now.
I am so sorry mandm....
You guys are all in my prayers.

May God's loving arms surround you and keep you strong during this difficult time. God bless, Michelle.
Im sorry to hear of your loss
I will also keep you & your family in my prayers
love mj
Sorry for your loss...I lost my mom almost exactly 2 years ago ....prayers for you and your family.
Mom, I'm so sorry for the loss of your Dad. I look forward to hearing his story. Prayers have been sent and will continue to be. I'm wishing you and your family peace and strength during this difficult time.
Thank you for sharing the journey of the last few months of you & your dad. You are a special gift in this world and I learned so much from you as you walked through this with grace & dignity....

I'm glad your dad passed peacefully. You and your family are in my prayers.

God bless,
I am sorry,, my dad passed away about 10 years ago. He was getting older,

though I still wanted him around a while longer.

I still often talk to him a lot, and think of him and my grief has,i think, gradually blosemed into something else, something good and solid and loving.

I still mis him a lot at certain moments, especially at those moments where I could see him smiling, like at my daughters wedding, and when my son makes a great shot in basketbull.

I feel that maybe those times God lets him have a peek down at whats going on.

I am also happy now that he is able to be with his parents again, and I'm pretty sure my dog was there to great him.

I know he misses me, and I think he visits me every now and then in dreams.

I am so sorry for your grief and so grateful for your love.

iM SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS- I must have deleted your e-mail by mistake or I would have sent a note off the board... Anyway , as we all get older this is one of the inevitable parts of our lives that we usually must deal with- - the loss of our parents- - it hurts, and the only thing that helps is the wonderful memories ,traditons, and lessons that were taught to us.

Sandra-I don't know how I missed this.You sound like you're in a peaceful dream and I can't add to the lack of torment he could have gone through.I hope you and Lisa can help each other.I don't believe in accidents and there's a reason Lisa's in your life.

Women deal with so much better at this and between the two of you,I can already see a signifigant blood bond developing.Please let me know if I can do anything,I mean anything too.I don't have a lot of money but i could send you some baked treats.I love to cook.

My deepest regrets.
Tim, no worries. I sent you a special post...check it out.
YGM Mom....just know how much I love you and how much of your strength I lean on. Let me be that strength for you right now. I'm in your back pocket.
Sorry for your loss, my mom passed in March and I know what you are going thru

Take Care

Hugs MnM. My thoughts are with you as well.
I'm so sorry. You and your family will be in my prayers.


So sorry to hear this. You and your family have my sympathy.
love, Carol
Sending much love and sympathy to you and yours, M & M May the God of your understanding hold you a little closer during your time of grief.

Namaste', dear one ~
